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240125 SBAU shed new storage cabinet, inventory
230714 Jim Williams RIP SBAU memories
230203 SBAU meet, donations, sale
221217 SBAU donated Bose Compass Bausch Lomb 4 inch refractor and Newtonian 6 inch telescope
210820 Doug Bryson Douglas Telescopics garage donation to SBAU
221128 Celestron C5 SCT telescope
220920 Orion SkyQuest XT8 donated by Penny Arntz
220611 SBAU star party SBMNH foggy moon evening
220522 SBAU Miramar Rosewood outreach
220516 SBAU Westmont Solar
220512 SBAU Hope STEAM night outreach
220508 SBAU shed items
220507 SBAU International Astronomy Day Camino Real Marketplace
220430 SBAU Girl Scout Live Oak campground
220412 SBAU 12" StarSplitter Dob ToimC fix and older shots
220409 SBAU SBMNH star party UC2
220314 SBAU SBMNH 21 Westmont early star party
210601 Orion 90mm Maksutov, EQ-1 + binocular mirror mount
220303 C8 C5 SCT Gallup donation Ultima 2000 Fastar
210925 SBAU Cachuma campout
210812 SBAU shed brass telescope Celestron Adv GT Orion Tabletop Meade mounts
210408 donated C8 Celestron 11026-XLT
210401 SBAU equipment out of SBMNH CRC office to shed incl Meade 2080 Baytronix details
210111 Goleta LED lights test
200427 TomT ES152 on CGX Messier & Messy objects
200117 SBAU Westmont, 200208 SBMNH, 200215 Bulito Beach star parties
200306 SBAU meeting Krissie Cook Mars 2020 and Beyond
200209 SBAU Equipment to 200303 and new temp shed
200303 SBAU telescope workshop 6" Newtonian clean and collimate
200220 SBAU donated Figoski optics & books
200207 SBAU meeting AstroPhotonics Steven Estrella
200107 NASA TV, Earth Expeditions, Social, Armstrong, Airborne Science Program, Flight Research Center, building 703, Palmdale, CA
200225 SBAU Camino + Celestar 8 Deluxe telescope for sale
200218 SBAU telescope workshop
200215 SBAU Bulito Beach Hollister Ranch outreach
200214 SBAU Bacara sunset 12 inch Dob astophotography
200211 SBAU telescope workshop SBMNH
200111 SBAU star party 21 telescope workshop
200110 TomT Montecito ISS transit of Moon
200107 SBAU telescope workshop
200107 NASA Social TV Earth Science & tour of Armstrong Bldg 703 Palmdale
200103 SBAU meeting Dennis Willet VCAS Asteroids
200130 SBAU CosmicArt City Parking lot 7 outreach sunsets
191214 SBAU Star Party SBMNH
191211 SBAU Holiday Dinner Harry's Plaza Cafe Ranchero Room
191210 SBAU 2019 photos best of for Holiday Dinner
191206 SBAU 4 members' presentations
191203 SBAU telescope workshop SBMNH Fleischmann
191101 SBAU Gladwin Prof Carlson complex systems modeling 02 Bacara
191111 SBAU Mercury Transit Camino Real Marketplace
191029 SBAU telescope workshop shed Dog statue
191007 SBAU Bosch & Lomb Criterion 8 inch SCT fork mount telescope - sold
191006 SBAU Celestron Nexstar 8i SE special edition - sold!
191004 SBAU Briley Lewis Life in Universe meeting 05 Bacara
190928 SBAU Cachuma Campout Mohawk Shores potluck
190924 SBAU telescope workshop & storage room
190919 SBAU RTMC Bacara 20 Westmont
190905 SBAU Bacara Ocean Lawn
190822 SBAU Bacara Ritz Carlton and 29
190810 SBAU SBMNH star party 17 Cachuma 20 telescope workshop
190802 SBAU meeting 03 Cachuma 08 Bacara
190720 SBAU Cachuma JavierR 27 0801 Bacara
190711 SBAU Bacara 12 Refugio 13 SBMNH star party 18 19 Westmont
190621 VCAS Ventura County Astronomy Society Morepark College Forum talk
190613 SBAU Ritz Carlton Bacara bluffs moon
190622 SBAU Paul Winn Celebration of Life Miguelito Park Lompoc
190619 SBAU El Capitan Boys Girls Club Ocean Mesa RV Campground
190616 SBAU Gail Massey telescope equipment
190607 SBAU Potluck SBMNH
190526 SBAU telescope workshop SBMNH dinosaurs
190521 SBAU Ojai Valley Inn 24 Bacara Ritz
190511 SBAU Astronomy Day SBMNH Star Party
190507 SBAU telescope workshop
190427 Tucson TAAA astronomy club UofAz Flanders planetarium
190418 SBAU Mountain View science night
190416 SBAU telescope workshop dinosaurs
190413 SBAU Star Party SBMNH
190402 SBAU Goleta Valley 05 Chuck McPartlin Meteorites
190330 SBAU Ritz Carlton Bacara outreach
190301 SBAU Brandt Exoplanets meeting 13 La Colina outreach
190219 SBAU telescope workshop 25 Coastline science night
190216 SBAU UCSB dorm outreach
190201 SBAU Freedman Gravity meeting
190129 SBAU Telescope Workshop
190124 SBAU Brandon science night
190120 SBAU Lunar Elcipse Camino
190104 SBAU meeting Prof. Omer Blaes Accretion disks
181110 SBAU SBMNH star party
181112 SBAU Bacara Cousteau event and 24 outreaches
181207 SBAU members meeting 08 planning shed
181211 SBAU telescope workshop TimC
181205 SBAU Holiday Dinner Flightline restaurant
181204 Captain Fatty's Science talk Crystal Martin UCSB Galactic Ecosystem
181105 SBAU UCSB 10 planning 11 Bacara 13 workshop 24 Bacara
181102 SBAU meeting JerryW big telescopes
181019 SBAU Westmont
181030 SBAU telescope workshop SBMNH whale Broder wild animals
181009 OlyM5 SBAU telescope workshop
181005 OlyM5 SBAU meeting Chatelain asteroids
181002 SBAU telescope workshop Meade LXD75 mount
180929 SBAU campout dinner Lake Cachuma Mohawk Shores group area
180914 SBAU Refugio sunset clouds 15 Vandenberg rocket
180908 SBAU Astrovaganza SBMNH Museum of Natural History
180907 SBAU meeting Quantum Computers Wim van Dam
180901 SBAU Lake Cachuma 02 Bacara
180830 SBAU Bacara 31 Refugio
180825 SBAU Alma Rosa Winery
180821 SBAU telescope workshop Camino
180814 SBAU Calif Sci Center Space Shuttle
180814 King Tut California Science Center exhibit
180808 LCO Science Policy Dr. Joel Parriott
180807 SBAU telescope workshop 11 star party SBMNH
180728 SBAU Cachuma 31 SBMNH telescope workshop dog statue
180720 SBAU Westmont Cachuma
180717 SBAU telescope workshop Camino Real Marketplace outreach
180714 SBAU star party SBMNH
180707 SBAU Cachuma 13 Refugio
180706 SBAU meeting Baron Ron Herron Q&A
180629 SBAU Refugio State Park outreach
180609 SBMNH star party 15 Westmont outreach
180608 SBAU potluck MacVeagh House SBMNH
180605 SBAU telescope workshop
180527 RTMC JoeD photos
180515 SBAU Camino 18 Westmont 19 Mars Insight SBMNH Touhey Science Center 20 Los Flores Ranch outreach
180504 SBAU meeting Sean Kelly magnetism
180500 SBMNH construction
180421 SBAU International Astronomy Day Camino Real Marketplace
180410 SBAU Mountain View school science night
180406 SBAU meeting April 2018 Isabel Lipartito MKID exoplanet direct detection
180404 AoTSB Astronomy on Tap SBAU Chuck McPartlin
180403 SBAU telescope workshop
180327 SBAU Telescope Workshop and SBMNH construction
180323 SBAU Westmont Power Squadron evening
180313 SBAU telescope workshop last day for Mike Chipnik
180302 SBAU meeting JPL sun as einstein ring telescope
180226 SBAU Cleveland school solar telescopes
180222 SBAU Ellwood School Science Night
180221 Las Cumbres Observatory Debra Fischer Yale Search for Inhabited Worlds
180206 SBAU telescope workshop MikeC 10 inch 13 TimC mirror
180202 SBAU meeting Adrian Lopez Summer Science
180116 SBAU Palmer Observatory 20 telescope workshop Camino
180114 Sky-Watcher 12 inch dobsonian telescope assembly
180102 SBAU telescope workshop tt lenses 05 SkyGlow meeting
171223 SBAU Bacara moon
171206 SBAU Holiday Dinner High Sierra Grill
171201 OlyM5 SBAU meeting BobR FarshadB BruceM
171106 LCO Kilonova Yair Arcavi
171103 SBAU meeting Thatcher School presentation
171107 SBAU telescope workshop Camino outreach
171031 SBAU calendar images 12x12
171024 SBAU telescope workshop animals
171021 SBAU Cachuma campout & potluck Mohawk Shores
171017 SBAU telescope workshop
171015 SBAU Marymount school makers fair
171014 SBAU star party SBMNH telescopes room
171012 SBAU Kellogg school science night outreach
171006 SBAU OConnor Europe meeting
171003 SBAU Equipment room Telescope Workshop Camino Real Marketplace
170929 SBAU Encina Meadows apartments outreach
170916 SBAU Refugio 19 telescope workshop SBMNH demolition
170912 SBAU telescope workshop JohnE refractor SBMNH walkway demo
170909 SBMNH Astrovaganza SBAU star party
170905 SBAU Telescope Workshop Camino 08 Refugio outreach
170901 SBAU Saturn Icy Moons Dr Bonnie Buratti meeting
170829 SBAU telescope workshop SBMNH Obs 31 Bacara
170824 SBAU Bacara 25 Refugio 26 Cachuma
170913 SBAU shed and telescopes demolition day
170819 SBAU Windermere Cachuma 20 Winchester Lycke star party
170912 SBAU Porter Garden Telescope work by JoeD TimC
170821 partial solar eclipse Santa Barbara Camino Cielo
170817 SBAU Bacara 18 Lunt solar test Westmont
170809 TomT telescope Donner Lake
170804 SBAU meeting Karl Blasius Mars latest science
170801 SBAU Telescope Workshop shed Camino 03 Bacara outreach
170727 SBAU Bacara 29 Cachuma
170720 SBAU Bacara 21 Westmont 22 Refugio State Beach
170714 SBAU MOU sign SBMNH 18 Telescope Workshop
170713 SBAU Bacara Whittier Fire
170708 Whittier Fire stops SBAU star party
170706 SBAU Bacara 07 Black holes Arcavi meeting
170629 SBAU Bacara 30 Refugio 0701 Cachuma
170627 SBAU telescope workshop and shed
170610 SBAU star party SBMNH 13 telescope workshop
170603 SBAU Rufugio 08 Bacara
170602 SBAU Potluck MacVeagh House SBMNH
170601 SBAU Oxnard Bacara outreaches
170526 SBMNH fire drill and Bugs
170520 SBAU SBMNH star party shed 24 UCSB Catalina 23 & 30 telescope workshop Broder Chumash
170519 SBAU Westmont Observatory
170517 LCO Amy Mainzer Asteroids
170516 SBAU telescope workshop
170516 SBMNH MacVeagh House area
170512 SBAU Bishop Diego solar telescopes
170505 SBAU members TomW, TonyG, MikeC, JerryW night meeting presentations
170504 SBAU Coral Casino swim club outreach
170502 SBAU shed telescope workshop Camino Real Marketplace Tuesday
170501 SBMNH Docent potluck
170429 SBAU Astro Day Camino Real Marketplace
170425 SBAU telescope workshop SBMNH backyard
170423 SBAU Kalyra outreach
170422 SBAU Manzanita Village UCSB
170418 SBAU telescope workshop and shed UC2 boards
170415 SBMNH docent Sedgwick lunch
170407 SBAU Sean Kelly Space Elevators 1st Friday general meeting
170408 SBAU star party SBMNH observatory
170317 SBAU Westmont 28 telescope workshop 30 museum kids
170404 SBAU telescope workshop Camino outreach
170325 Sky's the Limit Observatory TwentyNine Palms California North Joshua Tree National Park
170321 SBAU telescope workshop
170315 SBAU La Colina, 17 Westmont, outreach
170311 SBAU star party shed 14 telescope workshop
170310 SB County Science Fair UCSB Corwin Pavilion SBAU special award
170307 SBAU telescope workshop Camino outreach 05 Westmont sunset
170303 SBAU meeting Charlotte Mason Cosmic Dawn Galaxies
170223 SBAU Ellwood school outreach
170222 Lars Bilstein Helioseismology Las Cumbres Observatory talk Santa Barbara Museum of Natural History Fleischmann hall
170221 SBAU telescope workshop
170207 SBAU telescope workshop
170114 SBAU star party SBMNH infrared videos
170203 SBAU meeting Titan chemistry Mike Malaska JPL
170131 SBAU telescope workshop
170131 SBAU shed equipment
170124 SBAU telescope workshop
170117 SBAU telescope workshop
170110 SBAU telescope workshop
170106 SBAU meeting Josh Garber planet formation geology
170103 SBAU telescope workshop 8 inch Zhumell
161118 SBAU Westmont college observatory outreach
161021 SBAU Westmont outreach
161208 SBAU Holiday Dinner at High Sierra Grill
161206 SBAU Goleta Library 13 telescope workshop Camino Real Marketplace
161202 SBAU meeting ChuckMcP JerryW
161129 SBAU SB Junior High Majorie Luke Theater telescope workshop
161112 SBAU star party 17 Westmont solar Norte Dame 3rd grade
161101 SBAU telescope workshop 08 Camino 09 Norte Dame 10 NUTS 12 planning meeting 16 AoTSB
161110 SBAU Santa Ynez NUTS (night under the stars)
161115 SBAU telescope workshop
161104 SBAU Keri Bean JPL Dawn Mission general meeting
161103 SBAU Foothill science night
161102 SBAU JerryW PaulW at Santa Maria Camera Club
161029 SBAU campout potluck Lake Cachuma Mohawk Shores
161008 SBAU star party SBMNH infrared
160514 SBAU Star Party Santa Barbara Museum of Natural History infrared
160213 SBAU Star Party at Museum of Natural History Santa Barbara
161019 Las Cumbres Observatory Robert Krishner talk Center Stage Theater
161018 SBAU telescope workshop and shed misc glass
161013 SBAU Kellogg Science Night outreach
161011 SBAU telescope workshop Camino outreach
161008 SBAU star party SBMNH
161005 AoTSB Astronomy on Tap Santa Barbara Matt Coleman Phil Lubin Yair Arcavi Andy Howell
161007 SBAU meeting Omer Blaes Dwarf Novae
161004 SBAU telescope workshop 06 Goleta Valley Jr High
160930 SBAU Westmont
160927 SBAU telescope workshop
160921 B612 Foundation Asteroid detection Astronaut Ed Lu
160920 SBAU Sedgwick UCLA students
160916 SBAU Westmont Observatory 3rd Friday outreach
160913 SBAU telescope workshop Camino outreach
160910 SBMNH Astrovaganza SBAU Palmer Obs Broder
160906 SBAU telescope workshop
160903 SBAU Cachuma Lake sunset
160902 SBAU Chuck asteroid occulations meeting
160830 SBAU telescope workshop shed tripods
160825 SBAU Bacara 26 Refugio
160823 SBAU telescope workshop SBMNH shed
160817 SBAU UCSB San Nicolas 18 Bacara 19 Westmont Observatory
160813 SBAU planning meeting Rosing Palmer Observatory Star Party
160811 SBAU Bacara 12 Refugio
160809 SBAU telescope workshop Camino
160806 SBAU Cachuma lake quail saturn
160805 SBAU meeting LCOGT Todd Boroson
160802 SBAU SBMNH Observatory Telescope Workshop
160801 SBAU Ojai Valley Inn Orchard Lawn
160730 SBAU Cachuma outreach plus Vista point smog
180726 SBAU Griffith trip photos
160722 SBAU Bacara resort outreach
160719 SBAU telescope workshop
160716 SBAU Cachuma outreach
160712 SBAU Telescope Workshop & Camino Real Marketplace outreach
160707 SBAU Bacara 8 Pluto meeting 9 Star Party SBMNH
160706 JerryW 10 inch Newtonian telescope backyard mount
160705 SBAU telescope workshop
160702 SBAU Cachuma Lake outreach
160630 SBAU Bacara
160617 SBAU Westmont College Observatory outreach
160621 SBAU telescope workshop photos by BruceM
160614 SBAU telescope workshop shed SBMNH Broder moon Camino outreach
160610 SBAU potluck SBMNH MacVeagh house
160609 SBAU Bacara hazy astronomy outreach
160608 LCOGT.net Astronomy on Tap Santa Barbara AoTSB
160607 SBAU telescope workshop
160602 SBAU Bacara & 04 Buttonwood winery
160531 SBAU telescope workshop
160529 RTMC 2016 astronomy telescope talks
160528 RTMC 2016 astronomy talks awards
160526 RTMC Camp Oakes 27 telescopes vendors
160520 Westmont 24 SBAU telescope workshop
160517 SBMNH views SBAU telescope workshop
160514 SBAU Astronomy Day
160511 LCOGT Open House
160510 SBAU telescope workship
160506 SBAU meeting Karl Blasius Mars Curiosity geology
160504 Blind Tiger AoTSB LCOGT Star Wars Special science review
160504 Tim Hsieh Age of Entanglement KITP SOHO
160426 SBAU telescope workshop
160423 SBAU Los Flores Earth Day VAAS CCAS solar
160421 SBMNH docent exhibit review
160419 SBAU shed Santa Barbara Museum of Natural History
160415 SBAU Westmont 16 Earth Day solar telescope 19 telescope workshop
160412 SBAU telescope workshop Camino 13 Norte Dame 15 donated Meade ETX-60AT
160409 SBAU Vieja Valley Science Night
160406 AoTSB Astronomy on Tap Santa Barbara by LCOGT
160402 SBAU Messier Marathon Winchester Canyon Gun Club West Camino Cielo shotgun range
160401 SBAU meeting Sarah Greenstreet Plutoids
160329 SBAU Telescope Workshop
160302 LCOGT Astro on Tap Blind Tiger
151117 SBAU telescope workshop
160322 SBAU Telescope Workshop and Moon
160318 SBAU Westmont Observatory
160315 SBAU telescope workshop Palmer Observatory
160315 SBAU Shed stuff and area
160312 SBAU star party SBMNH
160311 SBAU Gravitational Waves meeting UCSB Prof Jim Hartle
160311 SB County Science Fair SBAU awards
160308 SBMNH Palmer Obs SBAU Telescope workshop
160301 SBAU telescope workshop
160223 SBAU telescope workshop MP C8
160219 SBAU Westmont College Observatory
160218 SBAU Ellwood school science night
160216 SBAU telescope workshop & shed area
160208 TomT Lunt 80mm solar NexImage5 videos and handheld Canon SX230 images
160209 SBAU telescope workshop
160206 SBAU Sedgwick Los Olivos school
160206 SBMNH volunteer luncheon SBAU
160205 SBAU Exoplanets by Rachel Street
160204 SBAU La Patera science night
160202 SBAU telescope workshop
160202 SBAU Telescope Workshop MikeC mirror history
160201 SBMNH Observatory and Docent training El Nino
160129 SBAU Bulito beach outreach
160126 SBAU telescope workshop 28 Brandon school science night
160119 SBAU telescope workshop 15 Westmont Observatory
160112 SBAU telescope workshop Camino 14 Hope elementary science night
160108 SBAU meeting Sean Kelly Curious News about Comets
160101 SBMNH Observatory 2016 progress
151210 SBAU holiday dinner Mulligans
151204 SBAU members meeting
151201 SBAU telescope workshop mirror testing
151130 KITP soho cafe Rojas string theory quantum tunneling black holes
151121 SBAU Bacara 24 Camino Marketplace
151113 SBAU planet formation Ruth Murray-Clay meeting
151110 SBAU telescope workshop + Shed
151107 SBAU Campout Cachuma Lake Mohawk Shores Trident Missile
151105 SBAU Foothill school science night
151103 Kepler 2 Kurtz lecture Exo-Planets and Pulsations
151024 SBAU Bacara 27 Telescope Workshop
151022 SBAU Goleta Library Moon night
151020 SBAU Mountain View Telescope Workshop Lunt 60mm
151017 SBAU Bacara 18 Marymount maker fair
151015 SBAU Kellogg School science night
151009 SBAU gun club 13 Telescope workshop
151006 SBAU telescope workshop SBMNH Palmer Observatory dome telescope
151005 SBMNH Palmer Observatory Celebration
151002 SBAU PaulW meeting Gladwin Observatory construction
150929 SBAU telescope workshop SBMNH observatory
150927 SBAU Total Lunar Eclipse at wharf sea center
150922 SBMNH obs SBAU telescope workshop Camino 23 shed photoshoot UCSB
150915 SBAU telescope workshop SBMNH observatory 17 Bacara 18 Westmont 19 planning meeting Refugio
150915 SBAU telescope workshop SBMNH Palmer Observatory construction
150912 SBMNH Astrovaganza SBAU
150825 SBAU Telescope Workshop SBMNH observatory oak trees 27 Bacara outreach
150821 SBAU Westmont outreach
150818 SBAU Telescope workshop SBMNH observatory
150815 SBAU gun club 20 Bacara outreach
150813 SBAU Bacara clouds 14 Refugio beach
150812 SBMNH Observatory Ash Dome crane lift drawings
150812 SBAU UCSB faculty lagoon outreach
150812 Lunt 80mm 1 stack solar telescope TomT
150811 SBAU Telescope Workshop Broder
150723 SBAU Bacara 24 Cachuma Lake 25 Refugio 28 Telescope Workshop Camino
150722 SBAU Carpinteria State beach
150721 SBAU Telescope Workshop SBMNH Broder
150716 SBAU Bacara 17 Westmont outreaches
150711 SBAU star party SBMNH
150714 SBAU telescope workshop
150701 SBMNH Observatory construction related
150710 SBAU David Gross Future Fundamental Physics lecture SBMNH
150708 SBAU Carpinteria State Beach Bacara Resort astronomy outreach
150704 SBAU Cachuma outreach
150703 SBAU Gaviota outreach
150630 SBAU Telescope Workshop
150623 SBAU Telescope Workshop, Camino outreach
150619 24 26 SBAU Westmont outreaches
150618 SBAU Bacara outreach
150606 FAAC Ford Amateur Astronomy Club STEM outreach ITC sports park Novi Michigan
150528 FAAC Ford Amateur Astronomy Club Dearborn Michigan general meeting & planetarium
150519 SBAU Telescope Workshop UCSB Santa Rosa outreach SBMNH construction
150516 SBAU Sun Day Goleta Library talk
150514 SBAU Sedgwick Awards LCOGT
150512 SBAU Telescope Workshop
150509 SBAU star party SBMNH
150506 KITP Rademaker Quasiparticles Soho
150515 SBAU Westmont Obs & KVM extender
150505 SBAU Telescope workshop
150504 SBAU UCSB outreach Andy Howell talk
150503 SBAU shed telescopes
150423 28 30 SBMNH Observatory construction
150501 SBAU meeting Joe Tufts LCOGT
150428 SBAU telescope workshop
150425 SBAU Astronomy Day rain but evening telescopes
150424 SBMNH Discovering New Worlds Zoe talk SBCC star Party SBAU
150421 Explore Scientific new AR152mm refractor telescope unpacking from OPT
150421 SBAU Telescope Workshop SBMNH Observatory contstruction shed NexStar 8se
150418 SBAU MikeF video Figueroa Site #2
150417 SBAU Westmont
150414 SBAU telescope workshop banjo
150411 SBAU MikeF video SBMNH observatory construction Star Party SBCC shed
150404 Lunar Eclipse TomT home
150324 SBAU Telescope Workshop & Camino Outreach
150321 SBAU Messier Marathon Winchester Canyon Gun Club
150320 SBAU Westmont Observatory
150319 SBAU Orion SkyQuest 4.5 Dobsonian Telescope for Astronomy Day
150317 SBAU Telescope Workshop MikeC Ronchi
150312 SBAU El Camino School Night of Discovery
150310 SBAU Telescope Workshop
150306 SBAU Jerry Clifford "Star of our Solar System" meeting talk
150305 SBAU Hollister 06 County Science Fair Zoe
150224 SBAU telescope workshop Camino Telescope Tuesday
150303 SBAU telescope workshop SBMNH Broder
150221 SBAU shed MikeF video
150219 SBAU Ellwood 20 Westmont Moon Venus Mars Jupiter
150217 SBAU telescope workshop MikeC mirror is figured?
150214 SBAU star party shed SBMNH
150210 SBAU telescope workshop
150206 SBAU Dark Matter Harry Nelson + donated Meade ETX
150203 SBAU Telescope Workshop
150129 SBAU Brandon outreach
150128 KITP Muon String Theory Halverson
150127 SBAU telework Camino
150121 SBAU Bacara star party Mars Moon Venus Mercury sunset Comet Lovejoy Q2
150120 SBAU Telescope WorkshopTimC 8inch mirror etc
150106 SBAU Telescope Workshop
2015 SBAU Misc Astronomy photos
150118 SBAU Bacara star party sunset Jupiter
150116 SBAU Westmont Observatory
150113 SBAU telescope workshop
2015 SBAU misc people images
150102 SBAU Theo Clarke NASA Juno Mission to Jupiter