SBAUstars: S3302326 SBAU Ritz Carlton Bacara bluff evening TomT 12 inch Dob telescope JohnE FarshadB Janet MartinM ChuckMcP
SBAUstars: S3302327 SBAU Ritz Carlton Bacara bluff ChuckMcP 5 inch refractor
SBAUstars: S3302328 SBAU Ritz Carlton Bacara bluff evening telescopes FarshadB Janet MartinM
SBAUstars: S3302329 SBAU Ritz Carlton Bacara evening TomT 12 inch Dob telescope JohnE FarshadB Nexstar 8 inch Janet MartinM
SBAUstars: S3302330 SBAU Bacara Venoco pier Santa Barbara Channel
SBAUstars: S3302331 SBAU Bacara Angel Oaks restaurant on bluff trail
SBAUstars: S3302332 SBAU Bacara bluff trail view east to Bell Creek slough Venoco short piers Haskells beach house crop shad90 clar30 tint-15 warm-20 tilt-2
SBAUstars: S3302333 SBAU Bacara bluff view to Santa Cruz Island Holly oil platform crop shad100 clar20
SBAUstars: S3302334 SBAU Bacara view to oil platform Holly Santa Cruz Island Santa Barbara Channel
SBAUstars: S3302335 SBAU Bacara view to oil platform service boat and gap between Santa Cruz and Rosa Islands
SBAUstars: S3302336 SBAU Bacara bluff view down to beach waves bird islands
SBAUstars: S3302337 SBAU Bacara ChuckMcP taking picture of guests
SBAUstars: S3302338 SBAU Bacara telescope guest leaving happy after talking to ChuckMcP crop
SBAUstars: S3302339 SBAU Bacara TomT 12 inch SkyWatcher telescope Venoco pier bluff yellow daisies crop shad75 high-50 clar30 tilt-1
SBAUstars: S3302340 SBAU Bacara JohnE FarshadB talk crop shad75 high-50 tint-10 warm-15 clar30
SBAUstars: S3302341 SBAU Bacara JohnE crop shad80 high-20 warm-15 clar20
SBAUstars: S3302342 SBAU Bacara bluff Ms McP mean look at telescope crop shad80 high-20 warm-15 clar20
SBAUstars: S3302343 SBAU Bacara TomT 12 inch Skywatcher telescope view into tube mirror crop shad100 high-50 clar30
SBAUstars: S3302344 SBAU Bacara TomT 12 inch SkyWatcher mirror focus reflection sun in eyepiece crop shad100 high-70 clar30
SBAUstars: S3302345 SBAU Bacara ChuckMcP w guests rock from space meteorite Astro-Physics 130mm StarFire EDFS telescope crop shad60 high-25 clar30 warm-15
SBAUstars: S3302346 SBAU Bacara bluff JohnE ArtH Chuck PatMcP crop shad75 high-20 warm-15 clar30 tilt-2
SBAUstars: S3302347 SBAU Bacara bluff FarshadB and others crop shad75 high-20 warm-15 clar25
SBAUstars: S3302347 SBAU Bacara bluff FarshadB Nexstar 8 telescope crop shad75 high-20 warm-15 clar25
SBAUstars: S3302348 SBAU Bacara ArtH
SBAUstars: S3302349 SBAU Bacara Venoco service boat at pier crop shad100 high-30 clar25
SBAUstars: S3302350 SBAU Bacara bluff sunset shad70 high-10 clar20
SBAUstars: S3302351 SBAU Bacara TomT SkyWatcher 12 inch Dobsonian telescope w Astrozap cover
SBAUstars: S3302352 SBAU Bacara view to service boats
SBAUstars: S3302353 SBAU Bacara service boats Santa Rosa Island
SBAUstars: S3302354 SBAU Bacara telescopes