SBAUstars: MVI_4862 SBAU Telescope workshop TimC mirror Ronchi testing
SBAUstars: MVI_4863 SBAU Telescope workshop TimC mirror Ronchi testing
SBAUstars: MVI_4864 SBAU Telescope workshop TimC mirror Ronchi testing
SBAUstars: MVI_4865 SBAU Telescope workshop TimC mirror Ronchi testing
SBAUstars: MVI_4866 SBAU Telescope workshop TimC mirror Ronchi testing
SBAUstars: MVI_4868 SBAU Telescope workshop TimC mirror Ronchi testing
SBAUstars: MVI_4869 SBAU Telescope workshop TimC mirror Ronchi testing
SBAUstars: MVI_4870 SBAU Telescope workshop TimC mirror Ronchi testing
SBAUstars: MVI_4871 SBAU Telescope workshop TimC mirror Ronchi testing
SBAUstars: MVI_4872 SBAU Telescope workshop TimC mirror Ronchi testing
SBAUstars: MVI_4873 SBAU Telescope workshop TimC mirror Ronchi testing
SBAUstars: IMG_4846 SBMNH butterfly pavilion
SBAUstars: IMG_4847 SBMNH butterfly pavilion
SBAUstars: IMG_4848 SBMNH butterfly pavilion
SBAUstars: IMG_4849 SBMNH butterfly pavilion gate
SBAUstars: IMG_4850 SBMNH butterfly pavilion entrance
SBAUstars: IMG_4851 SBMNH butterfly pavilion area
SBAUstars: IMG_4852 SBMNH butterfly pavilion entrance along creek
SBAUstars: IMG_4853 SBMNH bridge to Broder
SBAUstars: IMG_4854 SBMNH behind Broder
SBAUstars: IMG_4855 SBAU Telescope workshop TimC mirror BruceM watching
SBAUstars: IMG_4856 SBAU Telescope workshop TimC mirror tools and testing setup
SBAUstars: IMG_4860 SBAU Telescope workshop TimC mirror nick in center
SBAUstars: IMG_4861 SBAU Telescope workshop TimC mirror Ronchi 65 lines per inch insideR
SBAUstars: IMG_4867 SBAU Telescope workshop TimC mirror Ronchi outsideR