SBAUstars: SA065384 Celestron Nexstar 8i SE 11022-xlt-se
SBAUstars: SA065385 Celestron Nexstar 8i SE w tripod
SBAUstars: SA065386 Celestron Nexstar 8i SE tripod w spring bolts crop
SBAUstars: SA065387 Celestron Nexstar 8i SE pulling down on spring bolts on tripod crop
SBAUstars: SA065388 Celestron Nexstar 8i SE looks like R2D2 w tripod crop
SBAUstars: SA065389 mirror Celestron Nexstar 8i SE crop
SBAUstars: SA065390 Celestron Nexstar 8i SE crop
SBAUstars: SA065391 Celestron Nexstar 8i SE w TomT finder added crop
SBAUstars: SA065392 Celestron Nexstar 8i SE XLT optics and visual back 1p25inch w diagonal
SBAUstars: SA065393 Celestron Nexstar 8i SE battery area and optional plugs crop
SBAUstars: SA065394 Celestron Nexstar 8i SE hand controller mounted on side crop
SBAUstars: SA065395 Celestron Nexstar 8i SE hand control hanging crop
SBAUstars: SA065396 Celestron Nexstar 8i SE hand control back rs232 connection crop
SBAUstars: SA065397 Celestron Nexstar 8i SE w tripod and manual and red dot finder crop
SBAUstars: SA065398 Celestron Nexstar 8i SE w tripod manual crop
SBAUstars: SA065399 Celestron Nexstar 8i SE on tripod w manual crop
SBAUstars: SA065400 Celestron Nexstar 8i SE on tripod w manual crop
SBAUstars: SA065401 Celestron Nexstar 8i SE battery 8 AA needed so better to get 12Vdc adapter crop
SBAUstars: SA065402 Celestron Nexstar 8i SE serial number 956429 under cap of lens corrector w collimation screws crop
SBAUstars: SA065403 SBAU Celestron Nexstar 8i SE serial number 956429 under cap of lens corrector w collimation screws
SBAUstars: SA065404 SBAU Celestron Nexstar 8i SE serial number 956429 under cap of lens corrector w collimation screws
SBAUstars: SA065405 SBAU Celestron Nexstar 8i SE screwdrivers used to pop collimation cover off
SBAUstars: SA065406 SBAU Celestron Nexstar 8i SE instruction manual w non-functioning red-dot finder
SBAUstars: SA095423 Celestron 11022-xlt-se Nexstar 8 SE special edition telescope with car battery 12Vcd power supply