SBAUstars: SA296175 SBAU shed room at SBMNH 12inch Starsplitter Dobsonian telescope
SBAUstars: SA296176 SBAU shed room at SBMNH blue bag w Meade tripod inside
SBAUstars: SA296177 SBAU shed room at SBMNH blue bag w Meade tripod inside
SBAUstars: SA296178 SBAU shed room at SBMNH blue bag w Meade tripod inside
SBAUstars: SA296179 SBAU shed room at SBMNH rolling tripod in corner
SBAUstars: SA296180 SBAU shed room at SBMNH lowest drawer of file cabinet
SBAUstars: SA296181 SBAU shed room at SBMNH collinating Orion StrMax and Apex Maksutov-Cassegrain telescopes
SBAUstars: SA296182 SBAU shed room at SBMNH Meade hand control info
SBAUstars: SA296183 SBAU shed room at SBMNH Meade lx-200 12V power supply for GPS in filing cabinet
SBAUstars: SA296184 SBAU shed room at SBMNH tripod braces on shelves UC2 solar filter
SBAUstars: SA296185 SBAU shed room at SBMNH UC2 hydraulic mount Nexstar 8 telescope case
SBAUstars: SA296186 SBMNH walkway gates to butterfly pavilion
SBAUstars: SA296187 SBAU telescope workshop TimC cerium oxide on mirror glass for polishing
SBAUstars: SA296188 SBAU telescope workshop TimC pressing warm pitch lap on mirror with gallon of water
SBAUstars: SA296189 SBAU telescope workshop TimC Dobsonian telescope Teflon slides
SBAUstars: SA296190 SBAU telescope workshop TimC showing Teflon wedges
SBAUstars: SA296191 SBAU telescope workshop TimC mirror test setup
SBAUstars: SA296192 SBAU telescope workshop TimC polishing mirror
SBAUstars: SA296193 SBAU telescope workshop JerryW checking TimC mirror
SBAUstars: SA296194 SBAU telescope workshop TimC watching JerryW check mirror
SBAUstars: SA296195 SBAU telescope workshop TimC mirror Ronchi test
SBAUstars: SA296196 SBAU telescope workshop TimC mirror Ronchi pattern
SBAUstars: SA296197 SBAU telescope workshop TimC watch JerryW chordal polishing strokes
SBAUstars: SA296198 SBAU telescope workshop TimC pitch lap
SBAUstars: SA296199 SBAU telescope workshop TimC mirror Ronchi
SBAUstars: SA296200 SBAU telescope workshop TimC mirror Ronchi
SBAUstars: SA296201 SBAU telescope workshop TimC mirror Ronchi pattern
SBAUstars: SA296202 SBAU telescope workshop TimC mirror Ronchi outside R
SBAUstars: SA296203 SBAU telescope workshop TimC mirror Ronchi outside R
SBAUstars: SA296204 SBAU telescope workshop TimC mirror Ronchi outside R