SBAUstars: S8104743 SBAU star party SBMNH Museum of Natural History driveway to Observatory
SBAUstars: S8104744 SBAU star party SBMNH Museum of Natural History driveway
SBAUstars: S8104745 SBAU star party SBMNH Museum of Natural History driveway
SBAUstars: S8104746 SBAU telescope storage room ArtH checking out Celestron 8 inch NexStar
SBAUstars: S88A36~1
SBAUstars: S8104748 SBAU telescope storage room Celestron 8 inch NexStar tripod wrapped in black plastic
SBAUstars: S8B58A~1
SBAUstars: S8104750 SBAU star party SBMNH ArtH Meade 12 inch EdgarO Celestron 11 inch telescopes
SBAUstars: S8104751 SBAU star party SBMNH DuffK setting up 8 inch Orion Dobsonian telescope
SBAUstars: S8104752 SBAU star party SBMNH DuffK setting up 8 inch Orion Dobsonian telescope
SBAUstars: S8104753 SBAU star party SBMNH ArtH Meade 12 inch EdgarO
SBAUstars: S8104754 SBAU star party SBMNH ArtH Meade 12 inch EdgarO
SBAUstars: S8104755 SBAU star party SBMNH moon
SBAUstars: S8104756 SBAU star party SBMNH TimC ArtH check ChuckMcP tripod
SBAUstars: S8104757 SBAU star party SBMNH BrandyA at front table
SBAUstars: S8104758 SBAU star party SBMNH RubenG
SBAUstars: S8104759 SBAU telescope store room SBMNH
SBAUstars: S8104760 SBAU telescope store room SBMNH
SBAUstars: S8104761 SBAU telescope store room SBMNH
SBAUstars: S8104762 SBAU telescope store room SBMNH shelves filing cabinet
SBAUstars: S8104763 SBAU telescope store room SBMNH UC2
SBAUstars: S8104764 SBAU SBMNH star party JohnE refractor telescope
SBAUstars: S8104765 SBAU SBMNH star party ChrisL dob
SBAUstars: S8104766 SBAU SBMNH star party JohnE
SBAUstars: S8104767 SBAU SBMNH star party ArtH customer at Meade LX200 12 inch
SBAUstars: S8104768 SBAU SBMNH star party DuffK 8 inch dob customers
SBAUstars: S8104769 SBAU SBMNH star party DuffK Dob and tall Glen
SBAUstars: S8104770 SBAU SBMNH star party EdgarO telescope
SBAUstars: S8104771 SBAU SBMNH star party EdgarO telescope
SBAUstars: S8174775 SBAU Cachuma Lake telescopes crop shad100 MikeF ArtH