What is this site?
- This site is an alternative flickr viewer, aiming to help photographers showcase their portfolio and find inspiration in the works of other photographers.
- It also features a recommendation engine, which - based on what one marks as favorite - suggests other photos of interest. One must be authenticated to access his/her recommendations.
- The application is designed to increase the visibility of the original flickr site. Photos are only shown in their small size, and they all link back to the original flickr page of the photo, where users can contact the photographer, comment on photos, etc.
- The site is developed as an open source project by medvekoma. Feel free to contact me with any of your questions, comments or concerns.
Licensing information
The site only displays the following types of images:
- Images licensed with one of the creative commons licenses.
- Copyrighted images on the explicit request of their author.
Go to our licensing page to control how
your images appear on this site.
Copyright information
- Images shown on this site might be copyrighted by their respective owners. The image owners can be contacted directly through their flickr page by clicking on any image.
- The site does not store images and personal data, and it does not reference any user or photo specifically. It is merely a viewer application: it reflects whatever flickr provides it. It is like a different skin for a photostream.
- The site uses a technology called inline linking to show the images stored on flickr's servers. According to international law, this is not a copyright infringement.
Why can I see my photos here?
- As described above, your public pictures can appear on this site if you license them with one of the creative commons licenses, or you explicitly requested to display your photos.
- The site uses the official flickr API for querying the pictures - just like hundreds of other third party applications do. This application is fully compliant with the terms of use of flickr API: all images link back to the original flickr page - so there can be no misunderstanding about the image origin, author or copyright. You can also read the official Flickr FAQ about this here and here.
- You can opt out from flickr API searches by checking both the second and third checkbox on your flickr privacy page. This will make your profile page unavailable on all sites based on flickr API (including portfotolio). This is a recommended step if you are concerned about your privacy, as it will hide you from most applications based on flickr API. However, because of the specifics of flickr API, some of your pictures might still appear in groups, and other people's favorite lists.
- You can also go to our licensing page to completely hide yourself from this site.
Wanna see any flickr user's images on this page?
No problem. Just add the flickr user id or alias name after the application's url in your browser's address bar.For example:
- Link to my page is: http://portfotolio.net/medvekoma