SBAUstars: PB153784
SBAUstars: PB153783
SBAUstars: PB153782
SBAUstars: PB153781
SBAUstars: PB153780
SBAUstars: PB153779
SBAUstars: PB153778
SBAUstars: PB153777
SBAUstars: PA183071 SBAU telescope workshop glass and mirrors from shed
SBAUstars: PA183070 SBAU telescope workshop glass and mirrors from shed TimC TomW
SBAUstars: PA183069 SBAU telescope workshop glass and mirrors from shed
SBAUstars: PA183068 SBAU telescope workshop glass and mirrors from shed
SBAUstars: PA183067 SBAU telescope workshop shed Maksutov corrector glass JerryW
SBAUstars: PA183066 SBAU telescope workshop shed Maksutov mirror glass
SBAUstars: PA183065 SBAU telescope workshop shed Maksutov corrector glass
SBAUstars: PA183064 SBAU telescope workshop glass and mirrors from shed
SBAUstars: PA183063 SBAU telescope workshop glass and mirrors from shed
SBAUstars: PA183062 SBAU telescope workshop glass and mirrors from shed
SBAUstars: PA183061 SBAU telescope workshop glass and mirrors from shed
SBAUstars: PA183060 SBAU telescope workshop glass and mirrors from shed MikeC BruceM
SBAUstars: PA183059 SBAU telescope workshop glass and mirrors from shed TomW RussellT
SBAUstars: PA183058 SBAU telescope workshop glass and mirrors from shed JerryW
SBAUstars: PA183057 SBAU telescope workshop glass and mirrors from shed
SBAUstars: PA183055 SBAU shed trunk had 12 inch mirror in cell
SBAUstars: PA183054 SBAU shed Paul looking for more saleable items
SBAUstars: PA183053 SBAU shed glass in MikeC cargo w black pedestal and legs
SBAUstars: PA183051 SBAU shed glass in MikeC cargo
SBAUstars: IMG_20161014_101815973 SBAU shed miscellaneous Meade hand controllers
SBAUstars: IMG_20161014_101757629 SBAU shed miscellaneous Meade hand controllers
SBAUstars: IMG_20161014_101118960 SBAU Meade ETX-90 w tripod shed battery compartment