SBAUstars: T2117548 SBMNH front walkway lighting misalignment
SBAUstars: T2117549 SBMNH SBAU telescope workshop dinosaur
SBAUstars: T2117550 SBMNH SBAU telescope workshop dinosaur telling folks to stay on the path
SBAUstars: T2117551 SBMNH SBAU telescope workshop bridge to Broder area
SBAUstars: T2117552 SBMNH SBAU telescope workshop Mission creek from bridge near Broder
SBAUstars: T2117553 SBMNH SBAU telescope workshop Mission creek from bridge near Broder
SBAUstars: T2117554 SBMNH SBAU telescope workshop Mission creek from bridge near Broder
SBAUstars: T2117555 SBMNH SBAU telescope workshop Broder TomW setting up Ronchi mirror test
SBAUstars: T2117556 SBMNH SBAU telescope workshop Broder TomW check TimC mirror
SBAUstars: T2117557 SBMNH SBAU telescope workshop Broder TimC check mirror
SBAUstars: T2117558 SBMNH SBAU telescope workshop TimC Ronchi mirror test
SBAUstars: T2117559 SBMNH SBAU telescope workshop TimC Ronchi mirror test
SBAUstars: T2117560 SBAU telescope workshop BobG mirror from Dad's telescope
SBAUstars: T2117561 SBAU telescope workshop TimC TomW BobG
SBAUstars: T2117562 SBAU telescope workshop BobG getting 6 inch Dob from TomW
SBAUstars: T2117563 SBAU telescope workshop BobG getting 6 inch Dob from TomW
SBAUstars: T2117564 SBAU telescope workshop BobG getting 6 inch Dob from TomW
SBAUstars: T2117565 SBAU telescope workshop BobG getting 6 inch Dob from TomW
SBAUstars: T2117566 SBAU telescope workshop BobG getting 6 inch Dob from TomW
SBAUstars: T2117567 SBAU telescope workshop BobG getting 6 inch Dob from TomW
SBAUstars: T2117568 SBAU telescope workshop BobG getting 6 inch Dob from TomW
SBAUstars: T2117569 SBAU telescope workshop BobG getting 6 inch Dob from TomW
SBAUstars: T2117570 SBAU telescope workshop BobG getting 6 inch Dob from TomW
SBAUstars: T2117571 SBMNH SBAU telescope workshop TimC pitch lap
SBAUstars: T2117572 SBAU telescope workshop TomW Ronchi test BobG Dad's mirror
SBAUstars: T2117573 SBAU telescope workshop TomW Ronchi test BobG Dad's mirror
SBAUstars: T2117574 SBAU telescope workshop TomW Ronchi test BobG Dad's mirror
SBAUstars: T2117575 SBMNH SBAU telescope workshop TimC mirror polish
SBAUstars: T2117576 SBMNH SBAU telescope workshop TimC mirror polish
SBAUstars: T2117577 SBAU telescope workshop TomW Ronchi test BobG Dad's mirror