SBAUstars: IMG_9316
SBAUstars: IMG_9317 Meade ETX RA 90mm packaging
SBAUstars: IMG_9315 Meade ETX RA Astro 90mm donated to SBAU by Matthew Martin
SBAUstars: IMG_9318
SBAUstars: IMG_9320
SBAUstars: IMG_9319
SBAUstars: IMG_9321
SBAUstars: IMG_9322
SBAUstars: IMG_9323 glue or scratch marks Meade ETX 90mm
SBAUstars: IMG_9324
SBAUstars: IMG_9328 Prof Harry Nelson w Jerry Wilson
SBAUstars: IMG_9329 SBAU snacks by Janet Cez
SBAUstars: IMG_9325 Meade ETX RA 90mm battery compartment
SBAUstars: IMG_9330 SBAU drinks
SBAUstars: IMG_9331 Meade ETX at SBAU meeting
SBAUstars: IMG_9332
SBAUstars: IMG_9333 Telescope Tuesday thank you note from Shaw family
SBAUstars: IMG_9334 UCSB Professor Nelson w JerryW Dark Matter talk
SBAUstars: IMG_9338 JerryW intro Prof Nelson
SBAUstars: IMG_9336 SBAU crowd for general meeting
SBAUstars: IMG_9337 Chuck handing our NSN certificates
SBAUstars: IMG_9339 JerryW intro Nelson Dark Matter
SBAUstars: IMG_9340 Prof Nelson SBAU general meeting
SBAUstars: IMG_9341 Prof Harry Nelson touch the dark matter SBAU talk
SBAUstars: IMG_9341 Prof Harry Nelson touch the dark matter SBAU talk-001
SBAUstars: IMG_9342 UCSB Prof Nelson Dark Matter
SBAUstars: IMG_9343 UCSB Prof Nelson Touch the Dark Matter
SBAUstars: IMG_9342 UCSB Prof Nelson Dark Matter-001
SBAUstars: IMG_9348
SBAUstars: IMG_9349 UCSB Prof Nelson Dark Matter talk SBAU-001