SBAUstars: IMG_9431 BobG showing JerryW old telescope mirror 6in
SBAUstars: IMG_9432 BobG dad 1960s aluminum telescope tube
SBAUstars: IMG_9433 BobG dad 1960s aluminum telescope tube
SBAUstars: IMG_9434 BobG dad 1960s 6in mirror and holder
SBAUstars: IMG_9435 BobG dad 1960s 6in mirror and holder
SBAUstars: IMG_9437 BobG dad 1960s 6in mirror and holder
SBAUstars: IMG_9436 BobG dad 1960s 6in mirror and holder
SBAUstars: IMG_9438 BobG dad 1960s 6in mirror and holder
SBAUstars: IMG_9439 BobG dad 1960s 6in secondary mirror spider holder
SBAUstars: IMG_9440 image by rented time on telescope w sec spider
SBAUstars: IMG_9441 MikeC new light source for mirror testing
SBAUstars: IMG_9442
SBAUstars: IMG_9443
SBAUstars: IMG_9444 MikeC TomW testing mirror
SBAUstars: IMG_9445 MikeC mirror ronchi test
SBAUstars: IMG_9446 MikeC ideal ronchi pattern
SBAUstars: IMG_9448 SBAU telescope workshop TomW DmitriZ Vasili MikeC
SBAUstars: IMG_9449 JerryW astro imaging instructions
SBAUstars: IMG_9447 MikeC ideal ronchi pattern
SBAUstars: IMG_9452 MikeC setting pitch lap on mirror
SBAUstars: IMG_9450 DmitriZ TomW Vasili setup mirror test
SBAUstars: IMG_9451 MikeC mirror polishing stand
SBAUstars: IMG_9453 TomW checking DmitriZ mirror
SBAUstars: IMG_9454 DmitriiZ mirror alien ronchi test result
SBAUstars: IMG_9456 BobG mirror back and holder
SBAUstars: IMG_9457
SBAUstars: IMG_9458 SBAU telescope workshop mirror testing
SBAUstars: IMG_9459 BobG checking Ronchi view
SBAUstars: IMG_9460 MikeC mirror test
SBAUstars: IMG_9463