SBAUstars: Q4258932 SBAU telescope workshop TimC 8 inch mirror pitch lap set
SBAUstars: Q4258933 SBAU telescope workshop TimC 8 inch mirror pitch lap set
SBAUstars: Q4258934 SBAU telescope workshop MikeC 14 mirror surface inspection
SBAUstars: Q4258935 SBAU telescope workshop MikeC 14 mirror surface inspection w TomW
SBAUstars: Q4258936 SBAU telescope workshop TimC 8 inch mirror Ronchi showing turned edge
SBAUstars: Q4258937 SBAU telescope workshop TimC 8 inch mirror Ronchi showing turned edge TDE
SBAUstars: Q4258938 SBAU telescope workshop TimC 8 inch mirror pitch lap
SBAUstars: Q4258939 SBAU telescope workshop TimC 8 inch mirror chordal strokes polishing
SBAUstars: Q4258919 SBMNH driveway to Obs
SBAUstars: Q4258920 SBMNH CRC corner shad84 clar22
SBAUstars: Q4258920
SBAUstars: Q4258921 SBMNH iron bars on windows CRC enh rot crop
SBAUstars: Q4258921
SBAUstars: Q4258922 SBMNH old butterfly pavilion
SBAUstars: Q4258923 SBMNH backyard area
SBAUstars: Q4258924 SBMNH backyard area materials near fence
SBAUstars: Q4258925 SBMNH backyard area oak trees near Mission creek
SBAUstars: Q4258926
SBAUstars: Q4258927 SBMNH Mission creek from bridge to Broder
SBAUstars: Q4258928 SBMNH Chumash garden
SBAUstars: Q4258929 SBAU telescope workshop MikeC 14 mirror TomW
SBAUstars: Q4258930 SBAU telescope workshop MikeC 14 mirror measuring depth
SBAUstars: Q4258931 SBAU telescope workshop MikeC 14 mirror measuring sagitta depth