SBAUstars: QA170039 SBAU telescope workshopTimC 8 inch mirror polish
SBAUstars: QA170007 SBAU telescope workshop PaulW show JerryW purchased new telescopes etc
SBAUstars: QA170008 SBAU telescope workshop PaulW papers associated w telescopes
SBAUstars: QA170009 SBAU telescope workshop PaulW accessories w telescopes
SBAUstars: QA170010 SBAU telescope workshop PaulW Astro Physics 130mm refractor
SBAUstars: QA170011 SBAU telescope workshop PaulW Orion 8 inch Newtonian astrograph
SBAUstars: QA170012 SBAU telescope workshop PaulW Orion f3p9 8 inch Moonlite focus motor
SBAUstars: QA170013 SBAU telescope workshop PaulW f15 refractor solar scope
SBAUstars: QA170014 SBAU telescope workshop PaulW f15 solar filtered telescope to use w Daystar
SBAUstars: QA170015 SBAU telescope workshop PaulW solar filter for AstroPhysics refractor
SBAUstars: QA170016 SBAU telescope workshop PaulW Orion 8 inch
SBAUstars: QA170017 SBAU Farrand Hall cabinet utensils to bring to Cachuma campout
SBAUstars: QA170018 SBAU telescope workshop PaulW red glass end of solar f15
SBAUstars: QA170023 SBAU telescope workshop PaulW Orion 8 inch needing collimation
SBAUstars: QA170024 SBAU telescope workshop TimC JoeD Sam Goodwin
SBAUstars: QA170025 SBAU telescope workshop MikeC 14p5 inch mirror Ronchi test
SBAUstars: QA170026 SBAU telescope workshop MikeC 14p5 inch mirror Ronchi test
SBAUstars: QA170027
SBAUstars: QA170028 SBAU telescope workshop PaulW Orion 8 inch needing collimation w JerryW
SBAUstars: QA170029 SBAU telescope workshop MikeC 14p5 inch mirror Ronchi test
SBAUstars: QA170030 SBAU telescope workshop MikeC 14p5 inch mirror Ronchi test
SBAUstars: QA170031 SBAU telescope workshop JoeD TimC
SBAUstars: QA170032 SBAU telescope workshop TomW check MikeC mirror
SBAUstars: QA170033 SBAU telescope workshop PaulW Orion 8 inch needing collimation
SBAUstars: QA170034 SBAU telescope workshop PaulW Orion 8 inch needing collimation
SBAUstars: QA170035 SBAU telescope workshop PaulW Orion 8 inch needing collimation
SBAUstars: QA170037 SBAU telescope workshop MikeC 14p5 inch mirror pattern
SBAUstars: QA170038 SBAU telescope workshop MikeC 14p5 inch mirror Ronchi insideR
SBAUstars: QA170040 SBAU telescope workshop SamG 10 inch mirror
SBAUstars: QA170041 SBAU telescope workshop SamG 10 inch mirror