SBAUstars: S1117306 SBAU planning meeting folks ChuckMcP PatMcP RubenG ColinT CarolM JanetM crop shad80 high-40 exp12 clar30
SBAUstars: S1117307 SBAU SBMNH star party FarshadB w customer fuzzy
SBAUstars: S1117308 SBAU SBMNH star party ChuckMcP and customers
SBAUstars: S1117309 SBAU SBMNH star party PatMcP setting up entry tables
SBAUstars: S1117310 SBAU SBMNH star party TimC looking for ufos w Tele Vue 101mm refractor
SBAUstars: S1117311 SBAU SBMNH star party ChrisL blocking the flash
SBAUstars: S1117312 SBAU SBMNH star party CharlieS 14inch Dobsonian telescope fuzzy
SBAUstars: S1117313 SBAU SBMNH star party Tessa setting up 8 inch Dob telescope base at observatory
SBAUstars: S1117314 SBAU SBMNH star party RubenG with binocs Gustav in robot chair
SBAUstars: S1117315 SBAU SBMNH star party 12 inch Star Splitter Dobsonian telescope at observatory
SBAUstars: S1117316 SBAU SBMNH star party Palmer Observatory Rosing telescopes
SBAUstars: S1217317 SBMNH education offices
SBAUstars: S1217318 SBAU telescope workshop Broder bldg. TomW TimC
SBAUstars: S1217319 SBAU telescope workshop TimC TomW BobG
SBAUstars: S1217320 SBAU telescope workshop TimC TomW BobG setting up tester
SBAUstars: S1217321 SBAU telescope workshop TimC TomW BobG
SBAUstars: S1217322 SBAU telescope workshop BobG TomW
SBAUstars: S1217323 SBAU telescope workshop TimC 8 inch mirror Ronchi pattern outside R
SBAUstars: S1217326 SBAU telescope workshop TimC 8 inch mirror polishing silhouette
SBAUstars: S1217327 SBAU telescope workshop TimC 8 inch mirror polishing
SBAUstars: S1217328 SBAU telescope workshop TomW test TimC 8 inch
SBAUstars: S1217330 BobG dog Ralph
SBAUstars: S1217331 SBAU telescope workshop BobG TomW crop shad75
SBAUstars: S1217333 SBAU telescope workshop TimC 8 inch mirror Ronchi pattern outside R
SBAUstars: S1217334 SBAU telescope workshop TimC 8 inch mirror testing crop shad80 high-50 clar27
SBAUstars: S1217335
SBAUstars: S1217336 SBAU telescope workshop TimC 8 inch mirror knife edge at R
SBAUstars: S1217337 SBAU telescope workshop Santa Barbeerians shirt
SBAUstars: S1217338 SBAU telescope workshop Santa Barbeerians shirt Henry Miller quote
SBAUstars: S1217339 TimC repair of Westmont Dob rolling base