SBAUstars: MVI_3600 SBAU telescope workshop TimC mirror ronchi
SBAUstars: IMG_3573 Westmont track evening
SBAUstars: IMG_3574 SBAU Westmont telescopes
SBAUstars: IMG_3575 SBAU Westmont telescopes lower area
SBAUstars: IMG_3576 SBAU Westmont ChuckMcP talk to boy scouts
SBAUstars: IMG_3577 SBAU Westmont ChuckMcP talk to boy scouts
SBAUstars: IMG_3578 SBAU Westmont ChuckMcP talk to boy scouts track field
SBAUstars: IMG_3579 SBAU Westmont upper to mountains
SBAUstars: IMG_3580 SBAU Westmont ChuckMcP talk to boy scouts
SBAUstars: IMG_3581 SBAU Westmont observatory moon rising behind trees
SBAUstars: IMG_3582 SBAU Westmont observatory telescopes to ball field
SBAUstars: IMG_3583 SBAU Westmont moon between trees
SBAUstars: IMG_3584 SBAU Westmont full moon
SBAUstars: IMG_3585 SBAU Westmont full moon
SBAUstars: IMG_3586 SBAU Westmont Cate school Dobsonian
SBAUstars: IMG_3587 SBAU Westmont observatory Cate School telescope
SBAUstars: IMG_3588 SBAU Westmont lower ChuckMcP telescope
SBAUstars: IMG_3590 TT head at SBMNH butterfly
SBAUstars: IMG_3592 SBMNH butterfly
SBAUstars: IMG_3591 SBMNH butterfly
SBAUstars: IMG_3593 SBMNH butterfly
SBAUstars: IMG_3594 SBMNH butterfly
SBAUstars: IMG_3595 SBMNH butterfly
SBAUstars: IMG_3596 SBMNH butterfly
SBAUstars: IMG_3597 SBAU telescope workshop JerryW EdK
SBAUstars: IMG_3598 SBAU telescope workshop Santiago PaulW
SBAUstars: IMG_3599 SBAU telescope workshop TomW TimC
SBAUstars: IMG_3601 SBAU telescope workshop PaulW astrolights
SBAUstars: IMG_3602 SBAU telescope workshop TimC 8 inch Ronchi
SBAUstars: IMG_3603 SBAU telescope workshop TimC 8 inch Ronchi