SBAUstars: Q1314716 SBAU shed Starsplitter Dobsonian 12p5 inch telescope
SBAUstars: Q1314718 closest focus of star using sbau shed dob and OlyM5 t adapter
SBAUstars: Q1314737 SBAU shed Starsplitter Dobsonian 12p5 inch telescope inside
SBAUstars: Q1314738 SBAU shed Starsplitter Dobsonian 12p5 inch telescope focuser
SBAUstars: Q1314739 SBAU shed Starsplitter Dobsonian 12p5 inch telescope w fixed Telrad glass
SBAUstars: Q1314740 SBAU shed Starsplitter Dobsonian 12p5 inch telescope showing bungee safety hold down