SBAUstars: S9245106 SBAU storage room 12 inch Dob telescope w wood dowels bungee bllack light shroud
SBAUstars: S9245107 SBAU storage room filing cabinet area UC2
SBAUstars: S9245108 SBAU storage room UC2 Nexstar 8se
SBAUstars: S9245109 SBAU storage room UC2 Nexstar 8se
SBAUstars: S9245110 SBAU storage room UC2 Nexstar 8se
SBAUstars: S9245111 SBAU storage room 12 inch Dob spider
SBAUstars: S9245112 SBAU storage room 12 inch Dob telescope red plastic cover over primary mirror
SBAUstars: S9245113 SBAU storage room middle w UC2 box
SBAUstars: S9245114 SBAU storage room upper shelves
SBAUstars: S9245115 SBAU telescope workshop TomW setting up Ronchi mirror test of TimC 8 inch
SBAUstars: S9245116 SBAU telescope workshop Ronchi mirror test of TimC 8 inch
SBAUstars: S9245117
SBAUstars: S9245118
SBAUstars: S9245119 SBAU telescope workshop TimC Stellarvue F50M2 finderscope matte box
SBAUstars: S9245120 SBAU telescope workshop TimC Stellarvue F50M2 finderscope
SBAUstars: S9245121 SBAU telescope workshop TimC 8 inch mirror glass polishing setup
SBAUstars: S9245122 SBAU telescope workshop TimC 8 inch mirror glass polishing setup pitch lap warming
SBAUstars: S9245123 SBAU telescope workshop TimC 8 inch mirror glass polishing setup
SBAUstars: S9245124 SBAU telescope workshop TimC 8 inch mirror glass polishing setup pitch lap on cerium oxide
SBAUstars: S9245125 SBAU telescope workshop TimC 8 inch mirror glass polishing setup
SBAUstars: S9245126 SBAU telescope workshop TimC 8 inch mirror glass polishing setup
SBAUstars: S9245127 SBAU telescope workshop TimC 8 inch mirror knife edge test
SBAUstars: S9245128 SBAU telescope workshop TimC 8 inch mirror knife edge test
SBAUstars: S9245129 SBAU telescope workshop TimC 8 inch mirror Ronchi test showing turned edges
SBAUstars: S9245130 SBAU telescope workshop TimC 8 inch mirror Ronchi test
SBAUstars: S9245131 SBAU telescope workshop TimC 8 inch mirror Ronchi test