SBAUstars: P9132058 moon over iron gate SBMNH
SBAUstars: P9132059 moon over iron gate SBMNH shad-85
SBAUstars: P9132061 moon over SBMNH crop
SBAUstars: P9132060 moon over SBMNH tree tops
SBAUstars: P9132062 TRex Sue boxed at SBMNH ready to be shipped
SBAUstars: P9132063 SBMNH education office at night shad-50
SBAUstars: P9132064 SBAU telescope workshop MikeC MikeD TimC shad-50
SBAUstars: P9132065 SBAU telescope workshop MikeD MikeC
SBAUstars: P9132066 SBAU telescope workshop MikeD 12 inch mirror test
SBAUstars: P9132067 SBAU telescope workshop table of contents of An Acre of Glass
SBAUstars: P9132068 SBAU telescope workshop An Acre of Glass book
SBAUstars: P9132069 SBAU telescope workshop TimC mirror polish shad-50 crop
SBAUstars: P9132070 SBAU telescope workshop MikeD Ronchi crop
SBAUstars: P9132072 SBAU telescope workshop TimC Luke TomW crop tint-25 shad-85
SBAUstars: P9132071 SBAU telescope workshop TimC mirror pitch lap press
SBAUstars: P9132073 SBAU telescope workshop MikeC TimC Russel Trenholme shad-100 crop
SBAUstars: P9132074 SBAU telescope workshop Luke TomW MikeD
SBAUstars: P9132075 SBAU telescope workshop TimC showing scratches to Russel Trenholme shad-70
SBAUstars: P9132076 SBAU Camino moon thru EdgarO telescope
SBAUstars: P9132077 SBAU Camino EdgarO telescope
SBAUstars: P9132078 SBAU Camino BruceM star trek 1991 movie An Undiscovered Country screen
SBAUstars: P9132079 SBAU Camino BruceM talking to guests shad-75
SBAUstars: P9132081 SBAU Camino Pat showing moon shad-95
SBAUstars: P9132083 SBAU Camino Pat showing moon shad-95
SBAUstars: P9132084 SBAU Camino Pat showing moon shad-95 highl-95 crop
SBAUstars: P9132085 SBAU Camino Pat showing moon on screen shad-50 crop
SBAUstars: P9132085 SBAU Camino Pat showing moon on screen
SBAUstars: P9132086 SBAU Camino telescope outreach shad-100 jersey mike starbucks
SBAUstars: P9132087 SBAU Camino telescope outreach MartinM refractor on moon
SBAUstars: P9132088 SBAU Camino telescope outreach