SBAUstars: IMG_20220303_094125049 Celestron 5 inch SCT f10 1250mm #71597 donated by Jeffery Mearl Gallup front corrector lens dusty
SBAUstars: IMG_20220303_094135050 Celestron 5 inch SCT f10 1250mm #71597 donated by Jeffery Mearl Gallup front corrector lens to primary mirror
SBAUstars: IMG_20220303_094142872 Celestron 5 inch SCT f10 1250mm #71597 donated by Jeffery Mearl Gallup starbright coating
SBAUstars: IMG_20220303_094148991 Celestron 5 inch SCT f10 1250mm #71597 donated by Jeffery Mearl Gallup visual back
SBAUstars: IMG_20220303_094255853 Celestron 5 inch SCT f10 1250mm #71597 donated by Jeffery Mearl Gallup side view caps on
SBAUstars: IMG_20220303_094304647 Celestron 5 inch SCT f10 1250mm #71597 donated by Jeffery Mearl Gallup focuser top view caps on
SBAUstars: IMG_20220303_094310784 Celestron 5 inch SCT f10 1250mm #71597 donated by Jeffery Mearl Gallup showing bottom dovetail included w 1-4 inch threads
SBAUstars: IMG_20220303_095326887 Celestron Ultima 2000 8 inch SCT f10 2025mm #899814 donated by Jeffery Mearl Gallup in case and accessory pads weights bolts hand controller
SBAUstars: IMG_20220303_095402761 Celestron Ultima 2000 8 inch SCT f10 2025mm #899814 donated by Jeffery Mearl Gallup tripod w wedge
SBAUstars: IMG_20220303_095551947 Celestron Ultima 2000 8 inch SCT f10 2025mm #899814 donated by Jeffery Mearl Gallup wedge bolted on w bubble level
SBAUstars: IM5AB6~1
SBAUstars: IM0565~1
SBAUstars: IMG_20220303_095732670 Celestron Ultima 2000 8 inch SCT f10 2025mm #899814 donated by Jeffery Mearl Gallup special focuser mounted at visual back
SBAUstars: IMG_20220303_095740867 Celestron Ultima 2000 8 inch SCT f10 2025mm #899814 donated by Jeffery Mearl Gallup red dot finder
SBAUstars: IMG_20220303_095755200 Celestron Ultima 2000 8 inch SCT f10 2025mm #899814 donated by Jeffery Mearl Gallup w lens cover balance bar for weights
SBAUstars: IMG_20220303_095806363 Celestron Ultima 2000 8 inch SCT f10 2025mm #899814 donated by Jeffery Mearl Gallup fastar corrector lens to clean primary mirror
SBAUstars: IMG_20220303_100143638 Celestron Ultima 2000 8 inch SCT f10 2025mm #899814 donated by Jeffery Mearl Gallup hand controller plugged in
SBAUstars: IMG_20220303_100346293 Celestron Ultima 2000 8 inch SCT f10 2025mm #899814 donated by Jeffery Mearl Gallup clean primary mirror
SBAUstars: IMG_20220303_101223536 Celestron Ultima 2000 8 inch SCT f10 2025mm #899814 donated by Jeffery Mearl Gallup tripod and spreader collapsed
SBAUstars: IMG_20220303_101233428 Celestron Ultima 2000 8 inch SCT f10 2025mm #899814 donated by Jeffery Mearl Gallup tripod collapsed w spreader
SBAUstars: IMA0B1~1
SBAUstars: IMG_20220303_101255324 Celestron Ultima 2000 8 inch SCT f10 2025mm #899814 donated by Jeffery Mearl Gallup 120Vac to 12Vdc adapter 0p8Amps
SBAUstars: IMG_20220303_101300995 Celestron Ultima 2000 8 inch SCT f10 2025mm #899814 donated by Jeffery Mearl Gallup Fastar Optics #11019 made in japan
SBAUstars: IMG_20220303_101307687 Celestron Ultima 2000 8 inch SCT f10 2025mm #899814 donated by Jeffery Mearl Gallup focus motor #94143 motofocus
SBAUstars: IMG_20220303_101320690 Celestron Ultima 2000 8 inch SCT f10 2025mm #899814 donated by Jeffery Mearl Gallup plastic dust shield
SBAUstars: IMG_20220303_102324289 Celestron Ultima 2000 8 inch SCT f10 2025mm #899814 donated by Jeffery Mearl Gallup case