SBAUstars: P6270034 SBAU telescope workshop Jeff dad old telescope mirror Ronchi outsideR
SBAUstars: P6270035 SBAU telescope workshop Jeff dad old telescope mirror Ronchi at radius 52p5 inches
SBAUstars: P6270036 SBAU telescope workshop Jeff dad old telescope mirror Ronchi
SBAUstars: P6270037 SBAU telescope workshop Jeff dad old telescope mirror Ronchi
SBAUstars: P6270049 SBAU telescope workshop TimC 8 inch mirror Ronchi outsideR
SBAUstars: P6270001 steeple from SBMNH obs clear sky evening
SBAUstars: P6270002 SBAU shed Cave Astrola 8 inch telescope
SBAUstars: P6270003 SBAU shed Cave Astrola 8 inch mirror telescope
SBAUstars: P6270004 SBAU shed 8 inch telescope property tag 0088
SBAUstars: P6270008 SBAU shed 8 inch telescope property tag 0088 mirror
SBAUstars: P6270009 SBAU shed 8 inch telescope property tag 0088 mirror
SBAUstars: P6270010 SBAU shed 8 inch telescope property tag 0088
SBAUstars: P6270011 SBAU shed pedestal mount
SBAUstars: P6270012 SBAU shed new tesco telescope donation maybe
SBAUstars: P6270013 SBAU shed cabinet accessories
SBAUstars: P6270014 SBAU shed north tools 6 inch tubes
SBAUstars: P6270015 trash area mess SBMNH
SBAUstars: P6270016 SBMNH old butterfly pavilion
SBAUstars: P6270017 notice of new butterfly pavilion by 2018 at SBMNH
SBAUstars: P6270018 notice of new butterfly pavilion by 2018 at SBMNH
SBAUstars: P6270019 Mission creek at SBMNH Broder
SBAUstars: P6270020 Mission creek at SBMNH
SBAUstars: P6270021 SBAU telescope workshop Broder SBMNH
SBAUstars: P6270022 SBAU telescope workshop Jeff FarshadB BruceM
SBAUstars: P6270023 SBAU telescope workshop Jeff dad old telescope tube and mirror holder
SBAUstars: P6270024 SBAU telescope workshop Jeff dad old telescope mirror in TimC hands
SBAUstars: P6270025 SBAU telescope workshop Jeff dad old telescope mirror in TimC hands MikeC w tester
SBAUstars: P6270026 SBAU telescope workshop Jeff dad old telescope mirror
SBAUstars: P6270027 SBAU telescope workshop Jeff dad old telescope mirror holder
SBAUstars: P6270028 SBAU telescope workshop laugh at books in broder shad70 crop