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albums of Jane Statham
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January 2024.
February 2024.
March 2024.
April 2024.
May 2024.
June 2024.
July 2024.
August 2024.
September 2024.
October 2024.
Explored 2024.
Our fur babies 2024.
Home (and garden) 2024.
The grounds and my nature reserve 2024.
Macro Mondays 2024.
Food 2024.
Macro 2024.
Flowers 2024.
Nature 2024.
Cacti and Succulents 2024.
The sea 2024.
Fungus 2024.
Animals 2024
Birds 2024.
Insects, bugs and others 2024.
Happy days 2024.
Rust 2024.
Weather and sky, night and day 2024.
Black & White or Sepia 2024.
Wheels or not 2024.
Buildings 2024.
Wacky Wednesday.
Tiny Buttons.
Out of the ordinary :
Knitting and crochet.
The Chimney Collection.
Crazy Tuesday.
Flickr Friday.
Looking close ... on Friday.
Smile on Saturday.
Sliders Sunday.
Wendy's Challenge - Decorated house numbers 2014-20....
Wendy's Numbers 2014-20....
Jigsaw Puzzles.
The Teddy B Box.
People watching.
January 2023.
February 2023.
March 2023.
April 2023.
May 2023.
June 2023.
July 2023.
August 2023.
September 2023.
October 2023.
November 2023.
December 2023.
Christmas 2023.
Explored 2023.
Our fur babies 2023.
Home and garden 2023.
Macro 2023.
Food 2023.
Flowers 2023.
Insects, bugs and others 2023.
Birds 2023.
Animals 2023.
Macro Mondays 2023.
Cacti and succulents 2023.
Fungus 2023.
Nature 2023.
Still Life 2023.
Black & white or sepia 2023.
All sorts and happy days 2023.
Panoramas 2023.
Buildings 2023.
plage de Trestarou et Trestrignel et de Port de Plaisance, estuary and mini marina 2023.
Shop windows 2023.
Wheels or not 2023.
Weather and sky, day or night 2023.
Guingamp 2022/2023.
The Alphabet Challenge 2022-2023.
January 2022.
February 2022.
March 2022.
April 2022.
May 2022.
My 2022 one photo each day - incomplete.
Monthy videos & collages 2022 - incomplete.
Explored 2022.
For Julie, RIP 2022.
Home and garden 2022.
Our fur babies 2022.
Macro Mondays 2022.
Food 2022.
Insects, bugs and others 2022.
Macro 2022.
Flowers 2022.
Nature 2022.
Animals 2022.
Birds 2022.
plage de Trestarou et Trestrignel 2022.
Port de Plaisance, estuary and mini marina 2022.
Cacti and succulents 2022.
Weather and sky, day or night 2022.
Panoramas 2022.
All sorts and happy days 2022.
Still Life 2022.
Black & white or sepia 2022.
Shop windows 2022.
Wheels or not 2022.
Buildings 2022.
Cemetière de Kerreut 2022.
January 2021.
February 2021.
March 2021.
April 2021.
May 2021.
June 2021.
July 2021.
August 2021.
September 2021.
October 2021.
November 2021.
December 2021.
Christmas 2021.
2021: one photo each day.
Monthy videos & collages 2021.
The Alphabet Challenge 2021.
Explored 2021.
Our fur babies 2021.
Home and garden 2021.
Food 2021.
Still life 2021.
Macro Mondays 2021.
Flowers 2021.
Nature 2021.
Macro 2021.
Cacti and succulents 2021.
Fungus 2021.
Insects, bugs and the like 2021.
Animals 2021.
Birds 2021.
Black & white or sepia 2021.
Weather & sky, day or night 2021.
plage de Trestarou et Trestrignel 2021.
La Patrouille de France 2021.
Rust 2021.
All sorts and happy days 2021.
Shop windows 2021.
Tour de France 2021.
Buildings 2021.
Wheels or not 2021.
Port de Plaisance, estuary and mini marina 2021.
Cemetière de Kerreut 2021.
Panoramas 2021.
January 2020.
February 2020.
March 2020.
April 2020.
May 2020.
June 2020.
July 2020.
August 2020.
September 2020.
October 2020.
November 2020.
December 2020.
2020: one photo each day.
Monthly Videos and collages 2020.
Christmas 2020.
Explored 2020.
Macro Mondays 2020.
Still life 2020.
Our fur babies 2020.
Cacti and succulents 2020.
Home and garden 2020.
Birds 2020.
Flowers 2020.
Animals 2020.
Nature 2020.
The cemetery 2020.
Insects, bugs and others 2020.
Panoramas 2020.
Macro or close up 2020.
Food 2020.
Buildings 2020.
Plage de Trestarou et Trestrignel 2020.
Fungus 2020.
Black and white or sepia 2020.
Wheels or not 2020.
Port de Plaisance, estuary and mini marina 2020.
Just rust 2020.
Weather and sky - day or night 2020.
Abstract 2020.
Night time photography 2020.
All sorts and happy days 2020.
January 2019.
February 2019.
March 2019.
April 2019.
May 2019.
June 2019.
July 2019.
August 2019.
September 2019.
October 2019.
November 2019.
December 2019.
Christmas 2019.
Macro Mondays 2019.
Explored 2019.
2019: one photo each day.
Monthly Videos and collages 2019.
Nature 2019.
Food 2019.
Home and garden 2019.
All sorts and happy days 2019.
Buildings 2019.
Flowers 2019.
Macro or close up 2019.
Insects, bugs and others 2019.
Our fur babies 2019.
Wheels or not 2019.
Birds 2019.
Night time photography 2019.
Plage de Trestarou 2019.
Black and white or sepia 2019.
Weather and sky - day or night 2019.
Cacti and succulants 2019.
Animals 2019.
Panoramas 2019.
Fungus 2019.
The Happy Hippy Bag - Memorial Album 2019.
La Patrouille de France 2019.
Expo de sculptures 2019.
Colouring 2019..
January 2018.
February 2018.
March 2018.
April 2018.
May 2018.
June 2018.
July 2018.
August 2018.
September 2018.
October 2018.
November 2018.
December 2018.
Christmas 2018.
2018: one photo each day.
Macro Mondays 2018.
La Patrouille de France 2018.
Ploumanac'h 2018.
Explored 2018.
Not Explored 2018.
Monthly videos 2018.
Our fur babies 2018.
All sorts and happy days 2018.
Nature 2018.
Home and garden 2018.
Night time photography 2018.
Flowers 2018.
Weather and sky - day or night 2018.
Buildings 2018.
Macro or close up 2018.
Birds 2018.
Food 2018.
Insects, bugs and others 2018.
Black and white or sepia 2018.
Plage de Trestarou et Trestignel 2018.
Animals 2018.
Cacti and succulants 2018.
Wheels or not 2018.
Port de Plaisance, estuary and mini marina 2018.
January 2017.
February 2017.
March 2017.
April 2017.
May 2017.
June 2017.
July 2017.
August 2017.
September 2017.
October 2017.
November 2017:
December 2017:
Christmas 2017:
2017: one photo each day.
Monthy collages and videos 2017.
Explored 2017.
Not Explored 2017.
100 Strangers (Round IV) 2015-2017.
Stranger shots (Round IV) 2015-2017.
All sorts and happy days 2017.
Home and garden 2017.
Buildings 2017.
Cacti and succulants 2017.
Our fur babies 2017.
Flowers 2017.
People watching 2017.
Fungus 2017.
Macro Mondays 2017.
Nature 2017.
Insects, bugs and others 2017.
plage de Trestrignel 2017.
Just rust 2017.
Sea birds 2017.
Macro or close up 2017.
Weather and sky - day or night 2017.
Food 2017.
Panoramas 2017.
Port de Plaisance, estuary and mini marina 2017.
Black and white or sepia 2017.
Birds 2017.
Plage de Trestarou 2017.
Les églises 2017.
Cemeteries 2017.
Wheels or not 2017.
Night time photography 2017.
Animals 2017.
Lannion 2017.
Out with Sarah and Kevin 2017.
January 2016.
February 2016.
March 2016.
April 2016.
May 2016.
June 2016.
July 2016.
August 2016.
September 2016.
October 2016.
November 2016.
December 2016.
Christmas 2016.
2016: One Photo Each Day.
Explored 2016.
All sorts and happy day 2016.
Home and garden 2016.
Food 2016.
Weather and sky - day or night 2016.
Our fur babies 2016.
Macro or close up 2016.
Flowers 2016.
Plages de Trestarou and Trestrignel 2016.
Insects, bugs and others 2016.
Nature 2016.
Birds 2016.
Buildings 2016.
Macro Mondays 2016.
Animals 2016.
Sea birds 2016.
People watching 2016.
Wheels or not 2016.
Black and white or sepia 2016.
Port de Plaisance, estuary and mini marina 2016.
Fungus 2016.
L'église St. Jacques 2016.
Just rust 2016.
Cacti and suculants 2016.
La Patrouille de France 2016.
Holiday in the UK & sister time 2016.
Water lovers UK, 2016.
The river Thames 2016.
Out with Julie and Mike 2016.
Christmas fête 2016.
Christmas market 2016.
January 2015.
February 2015.
March 2015.
April 2015.
May 2015.
June 2015.
July 2015.
August 2015.
September 2015.
October 2015.
November 2015.
December 2015.
Christmas 2015.
Alphabet Soup 2015.
100 Strangers (Round III) 2013-15.
Stranger Shots III, 2013-15.
Not Explored 2015.
L'église St. Pompée, Langoat 2015.
La Roche-Derrien. L'église St. Cathrine 2015.
Home and garden 2015.
Our fur babies 2015.
Sea birds 2015.
Food 2015.
Buildings 2015.
Birds 2015.
Weather or sky - day and night 2015.
All sorts and happy days 2015.
Nature 2015.
Flowers 2015.
L'église St. Jaques 2015.
plage de Trestraou 2015.
Macro and close up 2015.
Animals 2015.
Cacti and suculants 2015.
Wheels or not 2015.
Port de Plaisance, estuary and mini marina 2015.
Black and white or sepia 2015.
Insects, bugs and others 2015.
People watching 2015.
Expo : Pig Parade 2015.
Bike rally 2015.
Out with Joël 2015.
La Chapelle de Notre Dame de La Clarté, Perros-Guirec. 2015.
plage de Trestignel 2015.
The European Sculling Championships 2015.
La fête nationale et la marie 2015.
Les 7 îles 2015.
Kite Surfing 2015.
Halloween 2015.
Macro Mondays 2015.
January 2014.
February 2014.
March 2014.
April 2014.
May 2014.
June 2014.
July 2014.
August 2014.
September 2014.
October 2014.
November 2014.
December 2014.
Christmas 2014.
Le marché de Noël 2014.
Ann's Challenge 2014.
Explored 2014.
All sorts 2014.
Base de loisirs 2014.
Nature 2014.
Rivers in Etampes 2014.
Les moulins 2014.
Weather and sky - day or night 2014.
Macro and close up 2014.
Fungus 2014.
Animals 2014.
Flowers 2014.
Food 2014.
Our fur babies 2014.
Black and white or sepia 2014.
Water lovers 2014.
Scanned photos 2014.
Birds 2014.
Buildings 2014.
Churches in Etampes 2014.
Wheels or not 2014.
Insects, bugs and others 2014.
People watching 2014.
Guinette 2014.
The railway 2014.
Trace ta route 2014.
Fête Nationale 2014.
Camping à Lannion, Brittany 2014.
Le Léguer - Lannion, Brittany 2014.
Nature - Lannion 2014.
Flowers - Lannion, Brittany 2014.
Insects, bugs and others - Lannion, Brittany 2014.
Macro and close ups - Lannion, Brittany 2014.
Buildings - Lannion, Brittany 2014.
Animals - Lannion, Brittany 2014.
Perros-Guirec, le plage, Brittany 2014.
People watching - Brittany 2014.
Wheels or not, Brittany 2014.
All sorts Lannion, 2014.
Our fur babies - Lannion, Brittany 2014.
Birds - Lannion, Brittany 2014.
Weather and sky - day or night - Lannion, Brittany 2014.
Treberden, Brittany 2014.
Perros-Guirec, Brittany 2014.
Ploumanac'h - Brittany 2014.
Le jardin des sculptures at Ploumanac'h, Brittany 2014..
Lannion town, Brittany 2014.
Sea birds 2014.
L'église St. Jacques - Perros-Guirec 2014.
Cemeteries 2014.
plage de Trestraou 2014.
plage de Trestignel 2014.
Home and garden 2014.
Night time photography 2014.
La Patrouille de France 2014.
Vide-Greniers des pompiers 2014.
Port de Plaisance, estuary and mini marina 2014.
Cacti and succulants 2014.
Out with Julie & Mike 2014.
Panoramas 2014.
Just rust 2014.
A Plastic Bottle Lighthouse - Lannion 2014..
Fête Vénitienne & feu d'artifice 2014.
Le téléthon 2014.
January 2013.
February 2013.
March 2013.