Jane Statham:
{ID Given}. Trailing abutilon ~ Abutilon megapotamicum.
Jane Statham:
{ID Given}. Trailing abutilon ~ Abutilon megapotamicum.
Jane Statham:
Lunch time.
Jane Statham:
Cordyline australis tree over a hedge.
Jane Statham:
Jane Statham:
Jane Statham:
A Dandelion clock and sunshine.
Jane Statham:
Dew drops.
Jane Statham:
Happy (Mairie) Bench Monday.
Jane Statham:
My Macro Monday. Possibly an Orb Weaver Spider.
Jane Statham:
"I just sort of crashed out."
Jane Statham:
A Yucca tree.
Jane Statham:
Bell Heather.
Jane Statham:
Bright Begonias.
Jane Statham:
Happy Telegraph Tuesday.
Jane Statham:
Rose, buds and blue.
Jane Statham:
Peruvian Lilies.
Jane Statham:
Hesperantha coccinea.
Jane Statham:
{ID Given}. Geranium x wallichianum 'Rozanne' (Geraniaceae).
Jane Statham:
Possibly Erigeron glaucus ~ Seaside Daisy.
Jane Statham:
Happy Window Wednesdays.
Jane Statham:
An Asian Predatory Wasp.
Jane Statham:
An Asian Predatory Wasp.
Jane Statham:
An Asian Predatory Wasp.
Jane Statham:
Shark fin infested roses.
Jane Statham:
{ID Given}. Wildflowers. Hawk's-beard ~ Crepis.
Jane Statham:
Gorgrous Green Thursday.
Jane Statham:
Grevillea sp.
Jane Statham:
Salvia Microphylla.
Jane Statham: