Jane Statham:
What the beach is all about.
Jane Statham:
A house on the beach.
Jane Statham:
{ID Given} Lavatera ~ Tree mallows
Jane Statham:
{ID Given} Lavatera ~ Tree mallows.
Jane Statham:
L'île Tomé.
Jane Statham:
A sister plant to yesterday's rose.
Jane Statham:
The plant and flower: Self-heal or heal-all ~ Prunella vulgaris.
Jane Statham:
A new flower in the garden: Self-heal or heal-all ~ Prunella vulgaris.
Jane Statham:
Two flies inside.
Jane Statham:
Pottery exhibition - a boot.
Jane Statham:
Across the houses at Trestrignel.
Jane Statham:
St. John's Wort ~ Hypericum x hidcoteense 'Hidcote'.
Jane Statham:
Les escargots pour le petit déj.
Jane Statham:
House plaque.
Jane Statham:
A painting above the letter box.
Jane Statham:
My very special nephews and I'm a very proud Aunt.
Jane Statham:
A late evening Dandelion clock.
Jane Statham:
Lotus corniculatus ~ Common Bird's-foot Trefoil.
Jane Statham:
Lotus corniculatus ~ Common Bird's-foot Trefoil.
Jane Statham:
A Herring Gull at the marina.
Jane Statham:
Jane Statham:
Jasione Montana ~ Sheep's bit.
Jane Statham:
Miniature Sunflower at La Mairie.
Jane Statham:
Macro lichen.
Jane Statham:
16/100 Strangers (Round IV).
Jane Statham:
A second photo of Julien.
Jane Statham:
A complimentary shot of Julien.
Jane Statham:
Julien didn't like ham.
Jane Statham:
Julien and his friends Romain et Yannick.
Jane Statham:
A Stag Beetle ~ Lucanus cervus.