Jane Statham: 2019: one photo each day. 335/365 "We love you."
Jane Statham: Sliders Sunday. [Explored 1.12.19].
Jane Statham: Macro lichen.
Jane Statham: 2019: one photo each day. 336/365 I slipped on a banana skin.
Jane Statham: Happy Bench Monday.
Jane Statham: Macro Mondays - Red.
Jane Statham: 2019: one photo each day. 337/365 5 of the 7 dwarfs.
Jane Statham: Happy Tree-mendous Tuesday.
Jane Statham: Happy Telegraph Tuesday.
Jane Statham: 2019: one photo each day. 338/365 Two of the tough guys.
Jane Statham: Window Wednesdays.
Jane Statham: It's got ½ a roof.
Jane Statham: 2019: one photo each day. 339/365 A dried lavender flower.
Jane Statham: Gorgeous Green Thursday.
Jane Statham: Grevillea sp. Named Cultivar.
Jane Statham: 2019: one photo each day. 340/365 Tout chocolat.
Jane Statham: Happy Fence Friday.
Jane Statham: 2019: one photo each day. 341/365 "Happy Adogsion Day Rufie."
Jane Statham: Saturday for Stairs.
Jane Statham: A yellow Aloe sp.
Jane Statham: 2019: one photo each day. 342/365 Good morning.
Jane Statham: 2019: one photo each day. 343/365 Them and The Hulk.
Jane Statham: Macro Mondays - Chain.
Jane Statham: Happy Bench Monday.
Jane Statham: 2019: one photo each day. 344/365 New.
Jane Statham: Happy Tree-mendous Tuesday.
Jane Statham: 2019: one photo each day. 345/365 "I'm upside down."
Jane Statham: Window Wednesdays.
Jane Statham: 2019: one photo each day. 346/365 Happy Birthday.
Jane Statham: Gorgeous Green Thursday.