Jane Statham:
Football anyone?
Jane Statham:
Sun trapped.
Jane Statham:
A circle of lichen.
Jane Statham:
Régina Hôtel.
Jane Statham:
Summer and Autumn leaves.
Jane Statham:
The side of The Mairie.
Jane Statham:
Wendy's Challenge: N°39B.
Jane Statham:
In a corner.
Jane Statham:
A gnarled tree trunk.
Jane Statham:
Old & wrinkly!
Jane Statham:
Amandes de mer. Dinner this evening 1.10.'14.
Jane Statham:
The clock tower.
Jane Statham:
The top of La Mairie.
Jane Statham:
Jane Statham:
Purple on green. A Cleomes.
Jane Statham:
Corner house and The Town Hall.
Jane Statham:
Wendy's Numbers.
Jane Statham:
Yoga on a bonnet.
Jane Statham:
A Seagull feather.
Jane Statham:
A crinkled hand.
Jane Statham:
White on a blue tub.
Jane Statham:
Windows and the clock tower.
Jane Statham:
Wendy's Numbers: N°45.
Jane Statham:
Rocks over roofs.
Jane Statham:
A little green gate.
Jane Statham:
Across the beach.
Jane Statham:
Watching the waves.
Jane Statham:
It's coming up Hydrangeas.
Jane Statham:
Looking out to sea.
Jane Statham:
Shades of green.