Jane Statham: 2021: one photo each day. 060/365 "Good morning."
Jane Statham: Looking inside.
Jane Statham: Macro Mondays - Bookmark.
Jane Statham: Flickr Friday - Lucky number.
Jane Statham: 2021: one photo each day. 061/365 Yippee, it arrived.
Jane Statham: Happy Tree-mendous Tuesday.
Jane Statham: Purple Croci.
Jane Statham: Crazy Tuesday ...
Jane Statham: 2021: one photo each day. 062/365 Time for a puzzle.
Jane Statham: Daffs.
Jane Statham: Wednesday Walls.
Jane Statham: Our Lady and her shadow.
Jane Statham: 2021: one photo each day. 063/365 The Alphabet Challenge.
Jane Statham: Cherry Plum blossom ~ Prunus cerasifera.
Jane Statham: Boot flower pots.
Jane Statham: Gorgeous Green Thursday.
Jane Statham: 2021: one photo each day. 064/365 Weekly Theme ..
Jane Statham: Lesser Celandines or Pileworts ~ Ficaria verna.
Jane Statham: As close as possible.
Jane Statham: Looking close ... on Friday ...
Jane Statham: 2021: one photo each day. 065/365 "I-za sunbathing."
Jane Statham: Spotted rock-rose ~ Tuberaria guttata.
Jane Statham: Ice on a plate.
Jane Statham: Smile on Saturday ...
Jane Statham: 2021: one photo each day. 066/365 National Cereal Day.
Jane Statham: Escallonia 'Iveyi'.
Jane Statham: Looking over the top.
Jane Statham: 2021: one photo each day. 067/365 International Woman's Day.
Jane Statham: Flickr Friday - Arches.
Jane Statham: Macro Mondays - Motion blur.