Jane Statham:
New Year's Day lunch: Starters.
Jane Statham:
New Year's Day Lunch: Pudding.
Jane Statham:
New Year's Day Lunch: An extra treaty.
Jane Statham:
Tonight's Dinner 7.1.16:
Jane Statham:
New Year's Day Lunch: Main course. 2016: one photo each day. 01/366.
Jane Statham:
2016: one photo each day. 18/366 All in the name of photography.
Jane Statham:
2016: one photo each day. 35/366 My lunch.
Jane Statham:
2016: one photo each day. 45/366 Valentine's Day lunch.
Jane Statham:
Swedes and endives.
Jane Statham:
2016: one photo each day. 51/366 Porridge for breakfast.
Jane Statham:
The Market at Perros.
Jane Statham:
Far Breton.
Jane Statham:
Our Market.
Jane Statham:
My mugga.
Jane Statham:
The fruit in its cover. Physalis Fruit or Cape Gooseberries.
Jane Statham:
2016: one photo each day. 72/366 Physalis fruit or Cape Gooseberries.
Jane Statham:
Sunday lunch 13.3.16.
Jane Statham:
Coquilles St. Jacques Parisienne.
Jane Statham:
2016: one photo each day. 80/366 So this is Spring.
Jane Statham:
2016: one photo each day. 87/366 Yummy Easter Chocolate!
Jane Statham:
Easter Sunday Lunch: 27.3.16.
Jane Statham:
Perros has lemons!
Jane Statham:
A cake at the Baker's.
Jane Statham:
2016: one photo each day. 115/366 Sunday lunch.
Jane Statham:
Fresh lettuce ...
Jane Statham:
2016: one photo each day. 144/366 My morning mugga.
Jane Statham:
Strawberry Tree fruit.
Jane Statham:
Tonight's dinner 17.6.16: Moules et frites.
Jane Statham:
Strawberry Tree fruit ~ Arbutus unedo.
Jane Statham:
2016: one photo each day. 174/366 Cherry tomatoes.