Jane Statham: Gorgeous Green Thursday.
Jane Statham: Wendy's Challenge: N°5.
Jane Statham: The new water tower.
Jane Statham: River Lily, or Crimson Flag Lily ~ Hesperantha coccinea.
Jane Statham: Queen Anne's Lace ~ daucus carota.
Jane Statham: Buddleia bloom on blue.
Jane Statham: Happy Fence Friday.
Jane Statham: Wendy's Challenge or Wendy's Numbers: N°58.
Jane Statham: "Hope you like the tune."
Jane Statham: Light through green.
Jane Statham: White in the light.
Jane Statham: Rose thorns.
Jane Statham: A mobile-phone, fill-in aerial.
Jane Statham: The ferry port from the upper road.
Jane Statham: Bergenia (elephant's ear) flowers.
Jane Statham: Now how do I get to it?
Jane Statham: "Was there something wrong with my song?"
Jane Statham: Blue Passion Flower ~ P. caerulea.
Jane Statham: The fruit of the Blue Passion Flower.
Jane Statham: Wendy's Challenge: N°74.
Jane Statham: A triskell on a scooter.
Jane Statham: Purple and sunlight. A Geranium sp (a cultivar).
Jane Statham: Nature's spring.
Jane Statham: Sunday lunch and new plates: 4.10.15.
Jane Statham: French Broom blooms.
Jane Statham: Wendy's Numbers: N°32.
Jane Statham: Another Blue Passion Flower.
Jane Statham: Rosemary and flowers.
Jane Statham: A lovely gateway.
Jane Statham: Over the wall.