Jane Statham:
2019: one photo each day. 002/365 Faded.
Jane Statham:
Mexican Orange Blossom.
Jane Statham:
Jane Statham:
2019: one photo each day. 010/365 OK, it's January.
Jane Statham:
Elephant-eared Saxifrage ~ Bergenia.
Jane Statham:
Another day, a different angle.
Jane Statham:
A Grey-leaved Cistus - Cistus albidus.
Jane Statham:
2019: one photo each day. 014/365 Still only the one.
Jane Statham:
Elephant-eared Saxifrage ~ Bergenia.
Jane Statham:
2019: one photo each day. 034/365 Newly Sprung.
Jane Statham:
The First Wild Violet.
Jane Statham:
2019: one photo each day. 038/365 Mimosa.
Jane Statham:
2019: one photo each day. 040/365 Lesser Celandine ~ Ranunculus ficaria.
Jane Statham:
Gorgeous Green Thursday.
Jane Statham:
2019: one photo each day. 046/365 Cherry Plum Blossom.
Jane Statham:
2019: one photo each day. 054/365 Forget-me-not(s).
Jane Statham:
Myrtle-leaf milkwort flowers ~ Polygala myrtifolia.
Jane Statham:
2019: one photo each day. 057/365 Mimosa from the garden.
Jane Statham:
2019: one photo each day. 060/365 Just one of those days.
Jane Statham:
The original. [Explored 3.3.19].
Jane Statham:
2019: one photo each day. 064/365 Our first Dandelion.
Jane Statham:
2019: one photo each day. 076/365 Purple Gromwell ~ Lithospermum purpurocaeruleum.
Jane Statham:
Crabapple Blossom ~ Malus.
Jane Statham:
2019: one photo each day. 082/365 Blackthorn Blossom ~ Prunus spinosa.
Jane Statham:
Cherry Plum blossom ~ Prunus cerasifera.
Jane Statham:
2019: one photo each day. 087/365 Hairy Bittercress ~ Cardamine hirsuta. [Explored 28.3.19].
Jane Statham:
2019: one photo each day. 088/365 Cherry Blossom ~ Prunus serrulata.
Jane Statham:
2019: one photo each day. 094/365 A Dandelion.
Jane Statham:
2019: one photo each day. 097/365 A Wild Violet.
Jane Statham:
2019: one photo each day. 099/365 Weigelia.