Jane Statham: A close up of the sunbathing spider.
Jane Statham: Wendy's Numbers: N°10.
Jane Statham: A 2CV.
Jane Statham: Ann's Challenge - Spiral staircase.
Jane Statham: Snowberries.
Jane Statham: Attic windows.
Jane Statham: Barbamuma.
Jane Statham: Autumn reds.
Jane Statham: A bush full of berries.
Jane Statham: The old water tower.
Jane Statham: A crimson splash.
Jane Statham: A hoverfly on yellow.
Jane Statham: An old gateway.
Jane Statham: Wendy's Challenge: N°76
Jane Statham: Yellow bloom, bud and a shadow.
Jane Statham: Taking over the pavement.
Jane Statham: A corner house.
Jane Statham: Dark pink petals and stamen. River Lily, or Crimson Flag Lily ~ Hesperantha coccinea.
Jane Statham: Along the main road.
Jane Statham: Hovering over a flower.
Jane Statham: A fir tree.
Jane Statham: An open window.
Jane Statham: Hover power.
Jane Statham: Penguin major and offspring.
Jane Statham: "Aux Fins Gourmets Charcuterie, Alimentation Générale."
Jane Statham: Tonight's Dinner. 2.11.'14
Jane Statham: "I'm just not going to look Mum."
Jane Statham: Wendy's Challenge: N°78.
Jane Statham: A very white centre.
Jane Statham: A far too modern attic.