Jane Statham: New Year's Lunch - collage.
Jane Statham: Window Wednesdays.
Jane Statham: Beautiful Drone Fly Botty Thursday.
Jane Statham: Gorgeous Green Thursday.
Jane Statham: Happy Everything Day Saturday!
Jane Statham: Happy Bench Monday.
Jane Statham: Happy Telegraph Tuesday.
Jane Statham: Happy Tree-mendous Tuesday.
Jane Statham: An alien ice-cream.
Jane Statham: Window Wednesdays. [Explored 8.1.20].
Jane Statham: Gorgeous Green Thursday. Houseleeks ~ Sempervivums.
Jane Statham: A garden basket.
Jane Statham: The Wolf Moon: 2020.
Jane Statham: Tree-mendous Tuesday.
Jane Statham: Window Wednesdays.
Jane Statham: Gorgeous Green Thursday.
Jane Statham: Beastly Fly Bum Thursday.
Jane Statham: How I found the photo.
Jane Statham: Sliders Sunday.
Jane Statham: The logo on a camping car.
Jane Statham: Happy Bench Monday.
Jane Statham: Happy Telegraph Tuesday.
Jane Statham: Happy Tree-mendous Tueday. [Explored 21.1.20].
Jane Statham: There's a dog in the hydrant!
Jane Statham: Orange in the middle.
Jane Statham: Gorgeous Green Thursday.
Jane Statham: One rose hip.
Jane Statham: In a shop window.
Jane Statham: Fraying twine.
Jane Statham: On a wall.