Jane Statham: A general view.
Jane Statham: Wendy's Challenge: N°41.
Jane Statham: We'll take it!
Jane Statham: Tutsan. (Hypericum androsaemum) ~ Sweet-amber.
Jane Statham: One turret.
Jane Statham: Dried Artichokes.
Jane Statham: Built on the cliff.
Jane Statham: A rather stylish modern home.
Jane Statham: Hiding behind a hedge.
Jane Statham: The port...
Jane Statham: Wendy's Challenge/Numbers: N°33.
Jane Statham: Possibly Euonymus or Euonymus japonicus berries.
Jane Statham: Front porch and attic.
Jane Statham: A cat on a roof...
Jane Statham: Growing wild. Escallonia
Jane Statham: A two shot panorama.
Jane Statham: Tall, windows and a balcony.
Jane Statham: Thursday Flower. Tutsan. (Hypericum androsaemum). ~ Sweet-amber.
Jane Statham: The sea.
Jane Statham: Pampas grass.
Jane Statham: 1. Up at the top.
Jane Statham: 2. And the garage terrace below.
Jane Statham: Gorse.
Jane Statham: A Pied Wagtail.
Jane Statham: Foundation May Lockwood.
Jane Statham: Wendy's Numbers: N°46.
Jane Statham: A tiny cottage...
Jane Statham: A turret across town.
Jane Statham: Tall and closed up.
Jane Statham: Ann's Challenge - Grey lichen.