Jane Statham:
"Is lunch ready Dad?"
Jane Statham:
"Can I play solitaire too?"
Jane Statham:
2016: one photo each day. 11/366 Little black paws.
Jane Statham:
2016: one photo each day. 12/366 I know that nose.
Jane Statham:
"Am I close enough Mum?"
Jane Statham:
"I'm not actually in the kitchen."
Jane Statham:
She's almost been forgiven.
Jane Statham:
2016: one photo each day. 23/366 "OMG, it's the mad camera lady again."
Jane Statham:
"I'm ever so comfy on my shelf."
Jane Statham:
"I'm not on the sofa ...
Jane Statham:
2016: one photo each day. 29/366 "I-za watchin' you."
Jane Statham:
"Yippee, I can play in the garden again."
Jane Statham:
"You can't get me up here Rufie!"
Jane Statham:
"I'm still up here!"
Jane Statham:
"I'm too comfy to bother Iz."
Jane Statham:
"This is my best side Mum."
Jane Statham:
"I love you Mum."
Jane Statham:
"I've found a new look-out post."
Jane Statham:
"My turn for a bath today, Dad."
Jane Statham:
"Don't laugh at my sticky up ear, Mum."
Jane Statham:
"Buster's in his garden, but where's Freddy?"
Jane Statham:
"Where's Mum's jumper gone?"
Jane Statham:
"Oh nooooo, it's wet!"
Jane Statham:
"Mum, Dad ... What's that wet stuff?"
Jane Statham:
"It's safer on the promenade."
Jane Statham:
"Got to watch what goes on down here."
Jane Statham:
"What *are* you doing down there Rufie?"
Jane Statham:
"Well no-one's told me I can't have it"
Jane Statham:
"I'm having a lie in."
Jane Statham:
"What's out there Mum?"