Jane Statham: 2017: one photo each day. 274/365 A Red Admiral after dark.
Jane Statham: Sliders Sunday.
Jane Statham: A blue float.
Jane Statham: Happy Bench Monday.
Jane Statham: 2017: one photo each day. 275/365 Macro Mondays: Member's Choice - Found in the Kitchen.
Jane Statham: Salvia and a blue sky.
Jane Statham: River Lily, or Crimson Flag Lily ~ Hesperantha coccinea.
Jane Statham: Happy Telegraph Tuesday.
Jane Statham: "I'll take it!"
Jane Statham: Happy Tree-mendous Tuesday.
Jane Statham: 2017: one photo each day. 276/365 Just hanging around.
Jane Statham: Room to let.
Jane Statham: The back of incy.
Jane Statham: Pink and white fuchsias.
Jane Statham: Window Wednesdays.
Jane Statham: 2017: one photo each day. 277/365 "I'm watching Dad ... very carefully."
Jane Statham: Gorgeous Green Thursday.
Jane Statham: Beautiful Bug Butt Thursday.
Jane Statham: 2017: one photo each day. 278/365 Do not paint.
Jane Statham: Maybe some face cream's needed.
Jane Statham: A weather vane.
Jane Statham: River Lily, or Crimson Flag Lily ~ Hesperantha coccinea.
Jane Statham: Pampas grass and sunlight.
Jane Statham: An October rose.
Jane Statham: A speckled wood butterfly Speckled wood butterfly ~ Pararga aegeria.
Jane Statham: Happy Flyday.
Jane Statham: Happy Fence Friday.
Jane Statham: Moules et frites.
Jane Statham: Wendy's Challenge: N°0.
Jane Statham: St. John's Wort ~ Hypericum x hidcoteense 'Hidcote'