Jane Statham: A second photo of Valérie.
Jane Statham: Valérie wearing her sunglasses.
Jane Statham: Valérie didn't like flagolet.
Jane Statham: My complimentary photo of Marc.
Jane Statham: Marc wearing his shades.
Jane Statham: Marc didn't like kidneys.
Jane Statham: My other photo of Fanny.
Jane Statham: Fanny not smiling.
Jane Statham: Fanny didn't like spinach or very much else!
Jane Statham: An alternative shot of Mathieu.
Jane Statham: A similar shot of his main photo.
Jane Statham: Mathieu didn't like artichokes.
Jane Statham: My alternative photo of Magalie.
Jane Statham: A third photo of her.
Jane Statham: Magalie didn't like snakes.
Jane Statham: My second photo of Didier.
Jane Statham: Another photo of him.
Jane Statham: Didier didn't like cooked chicory.
Jane Statham: My alternative photo of Sophie.
Jane Statham: Another shot of her.
Jane Statham: Sophie doesn't like celery.
Jane Statham: My second photo of Henri.
Jane Statham: Another photo of Henri.
Jane Statham: Henri didn't like vegetables.
Jane Statham: My complimentary photo of Melissa.
Jane Statham: A third photo of Melissa.
Jane Statham: Melissa doesn't like snakes.
Jane Statham: Henri and Melissa together
Jane Statham: My 2nd photo of Pascal.
Jane Statham: Pascal didn't like butter.