Jane Statham:
Happy Telegraph Tuesday.
Jane Statham:
Lovely and bright.
Jane Statham:
Happy Window Wednesdays.
Jane Statham:
Sunny flowers.
Jane Statham:
A Plume Moth on the wall.
Jane Statham:
Gorgeous Green Thursday.
Jane Statham:
Grevillea sp.
Jane Statham:
Bear's breeches ~ Acanthus mollis.
Jane Statham:
Myrtle-leaf Milkwort ~ Polygala myrtifolia.
Jane Statham:
Happy Fence Friday.
Jane Statham:
♫Rain drops keep falling.♫
Jane Statham:
Turtle Triskell.
Jane Statham:
"I think I'm getting bored of photo time."
Jane Statham:
Saturday For Stairs.
Jane Statham:
Our tree.
Jane Statham:
Please Meet Rufus 1.
Jane Statham:
Please Meet Rufus 2.
Jane Statham:
Happy Bench Monday.
Jane Statham:
Macro Mondays: Oldest object.
Jane Statham:
Macro Mondays: Oldest object.
Jane Statham:
Happy Telegraph Tuesday.
Jane Statham:
Window Wednesdays.
Jane Statham:
The last Triskell Sticker.
Jane Statham:
Gorgeous Green Thursday.
Jane Statham:
"I'm drying out on the clothes horse...
Jane Statham:
"It's a hard life being a dog ...
Jane Statham:
Happy Fence Friday.
Jane Statham:
Saturday for Stairs.
Jane Statham:
Jane Statham:
My perfect view.