Jane Statham: 2021: one photo each day. 182/365 Love.
Jane Statham: Monk's-Hood ~ Aconitum napellus.
Jane Statham: Grumpy ...
Jane Statham: Beautiful Bug Botty Thursday.
Jane Statham: 2021: one photo each day. 183/365 By hand.
Jane Statham: "Stuck in the middle with you."
Jane Statham: Roses in June.
Jane Statham: The Alphabet Challenge - Part I.
Jane Statham: 2021: one photo each day. 184/365 A new flower.
Jane Statham: The Ladybird and the Aphid.
Jane Statham: Figwart ~ Scrophularia nodosa.
Jane Statham: Montbretia ~ Crocosmia.
Jane Statham: 2021: one photo each day. 185/365 On the garden wall.
Jane Statham: Another don't have.
Jane Statham: A happy garden boy.
Jane Statham: Sliders Sunday. [Explored 5.7.21].
Jane Statham: 2021: one photo each day. 186/365 A Sage flower.
Jane Statham: Getting close.
Jane Statham: Macro Mondays - Numbers and Letters.
Jane Statham: Flickr Friday - Big picture.
Jane Statham: 2021: one photo each day. 187/365 With thanks.
Jane Statham: Happy Telegraph Tuesday.
Jane Statham: Scruffy.
Jane Statham: Crazy Tuesday ...
Jane Statham: 2021: one photo each day. 188/365 The piping bag.
Jane Statham: Figwart ~ Scrophularia nodosa.
Jane Statham: Bear's Breaches - flower details ~ Acanthus mollis.
Jane Statham: Another part of the nature reserve.
Jane Statham: 2021: one photo each day. 189/365 Weekly Theme ...
Jane Statham: Tour de France.