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albums of Green Energy Futures
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WInd Power
ACFN Green Energy LP
Alberta's Solar Boom
53 Degrees 30 North
YEG E-Bus Revolution
Indigenous Solar Cabins
268. Solar Screw Piles
Three Nations Energy Solar Launch - Nov. 17, 2020
Three Nations Energy Solar Launch
236. Greenest School in Canada
Waffel Meyer shares heat with the village
213. First passive house car dealership in NA
Insurance and Climate Change Risky Business
209. Passive House Beautiful
ReThinking Red Deer
205. Solar Cogen - generate electricity rain or shine
203. Rae-Anne Wadey
202. Brandon Sandmaier - Faces of the New Economy
197. Sustainable Riverdale
Eco-Solar Home Tour
191. Solarest Community in BC
190. Energy Disrupted
189. Simons Canada's first net-Zero store
187. Greenhouse heated by plant stack
186. Canada's first net-zero church and social housing project
Louis Bull Solar
188. Louis Bull - Iron and Earth Solar Training
183. Seeing a new EnerGuide assessment in action
182. Top 10 Energy Efficiency Tips for the home
181. The Energy detective is in the house
180. Solar 101 - what you need to know
178. Renovating your home to net-zero - it can be done!
179. IPCC Cities Climate Change Science conference coming to Edmonton
177. Hot Water Heaters 101 - Finding the best high efficiency heater
176. Solar-powered Simons
175. Eagles solar powered football
174. Folk Festival Rocks Energy Efficiency
173. Gordon Howell - Solar pioneer
172. Sustainival - A really big, really green show!
Global Wind Day
172. Home builders embrace net-zero
170. Brazeau - Solar in oil country
169. Ramping up energy efficiency with PACE
131. Tyee Log Peeling
168. New affordable net-zero home a game changer in Canada
167. Green Car Guru likes Chevy Bolt
166. Gener8ing Environmental Leaders
165. EnerGuide the missing ingreident list for homes
163. Skeena - largest passive house in Canada!
164. EnergieSprong - Instant net-zero home retrofits
162. The year in green energy futures
161. Energy Efficiency and Social Housing in B.C.
160. Gift Guide 2016
159. Carbon Levy 101
158. Just energy transition
157. Efficiency Nova Scotia sells negawatts
156. Straw-bale fit for a musician
156. Straw-bale net-zero home
155. Tom Rand Climate Capitalist
154. Solar Thermal 101
153. Vulcan Solar Park
152. Leduc - Biggest rooftop solar in Western Canada
151. Wind Powered Schools
Bull Creek - David Blume
150. Students want climate change in the curriculum and solar on schools
149. SES Solar Co-op builds Two Twenty project
148. Energy storage in Summerside = record wind power
146. Iron and Earth - oil workers call for renewable energy training
147. Bob Chelmick's Solar Cabin in the Woods
145. PEI Rocks Wind Power
144. Wind research rocks wind in PEI
143 Calgary's renewable energy could save millions
142 Alberta students call for climate change education
141. Financing Renewable Energy
140. Saskachewan sets sights on wind
139. First Certified Passive House in Saskatchewan
138. Energy Efficiency Comes to Alberta
E126 Evansdale NEWS
137. Carbon neutral garage suite is net-zero
Carbon Neutral Home - News
124. Green Acres Solar NEWS
136. Earthship living in the cold Canadian winter
135. Shining the light on solar myths
134. Brown waste - green power
Kimberley SunMine News
133. Wind Energy Myths
132. Insulation 101 - Peter's secret formula
Vitoria-Gasteiz TROY MEDIA
131. Kimberley 's creative energy efficiency program
130. Green Energy Futures favourite stories of 2015
129. Highlights of 2015 - Green Energy News
128. Greenest city - Vitoria-Gasteiz
127. Green Energy Jobs
126. Evansdale Community Solar
125. Beyond Coal
Green Acres More Photos
124. Green Acres Solar Farm - the largest in Western Canada
123. Edmonton Energy Transition - Mayor Don Iveson
Vitoria-Gasteiz Neighbourhood Visit
122. Solar Training Interest Growing
World Cities Edmonton/Vitoria-Gasteiz exchange
121. Kimberley SunMine Solar Farm
15-09-09 Pembina Climate Summit - Edmonton, Alberta
120. Vancouver's Big Green Pledge
119. TREC Renewable Energy Education
118. Sustainability High
117. ICLEI Trading sustainability secrets
116. Siemens' wind turbine blade manufacturing plant in Tillsonburg, Ontario
115. Calgary's LRT powered by the wind
114. Net-zero times five
113. Energy Storage - What's the buzz?
112. Sea Container Cabin
111. Ontario Green Energy Update
110. Location Efficiency: The hidden cost of where you live
109. Cradle to Cradle: Recycling's cooler younger brother
108. LEED leading the green building transformation
107 Geothermal's Sweet Spot
106. Super Smart Meters and Energy Efficiency
105. Judith Sayers and China Creek Run-of-River
104. Bats, birds and wind turbines
103. Mosaic Centre: The first net-zero office building in Canada
102. Energy literacy
101. Titan Biochar
99. Craik Eco-Village
98. First RAV4 EV in Canada
97. Big Biomass - Whitecourt Power/Millar Western
100. Banff FIT a first in Canada
95. Cowessess Wind Energy Storage
94. Energiewende in Germany
96. Winter Cycling 101
93. Big Biomass 101
91. Green Gift Guide
90. Solar air heating
89. Renewables at a discount
Net-zero homes Edmonton
88. Concentrated Solar in Medicine Hat
87. Solar Stocks heading for long ride
86. EchoHaven Green Community
85. Smart Meters
84. Himark Biogas-Ethanol Integration
83. Solar industry sees sunny future
81. Paul Horsman's Net Zero Home
82. Earthship Rising
81. Net Zero: Go Big or Go Home
80. Net Zero Evolution - Passive Solar Design
79. Net Zero Beautiful - LG House
79. Cenovus Spo'pi Solar House
78. Net-zero 101 - Chasing net-zero
77. Prairie Waters Energy Diet Program
76. Greenfield Integrated Ethanol Bio-Refinery
75. Pond Biofuels - Turning waste into a resource
74. Electric Racing Bike by Team Zeus
73. Groundswell community solar greenhouse
72. GLOBE - Three eco-startups in the Grizzy's den
71. Truly Green - Industrial Symbiosis
70. Solar Thermal 101
69. Laneway Homes - affordably awesome
68. Starland County: Solar for farmers that pays for itself in 10-13 years
67. Harvest Power - Food Energy
66. The KidWind Challenge in Edmonton
65. Black Diamond's MacGyver of green energy
64. Urban Cogen - Heat and power together!
63. Passive Solar - up to half your heating
62. Energy efficiency could save $1.5 billion in Alberta
58. Phasing out inefficient light bulbs
60. Alberta Coal Phase out all party forum
61. CCEMC Clean Technology Fund
59. Electric bikes are for real!
57. Energy Storage: Power to gas and better batteries
56. Best of 2013, Green Energy Futures
55. Gift guide, Green Energy Futures holiday gift guide
54. Earth Tubes
53. Solar Revolution Starts Now
8. Tour of PassiveHaus Home - Dawson Creek
52. The world's longest green highway
Alberta Views Magazine
51. MaRS Cleantech incubator
50. Morgan Solar
49. Energy Storage - Batteries included!
48. Bullfrog Power: Creating a strong renewable energy ecosystem in Canada
47. Rocket Mass Heaters
46. Biomass (wood) District Heating in Sherwood Park, Alberta
45. Distributed energy is the future
44. Future of Transportation II - The Symposium
43. Future of Transportation I - The Car Show `
42. Car2Go Carsharing that works
41. Evolution of net-zero
40. Grassi Green School - Saving energy like crazy
39. Nanaimo's waste to energy buffet
38. T'Sou-ke reach for net-zero
37. Landmark Green Homes
36. Bio-diesel for the masses
35. Reimagined as Green
34. Nest Programmable Thermostat SHOW
32. UBC's district heating - Innovative low-carbon Lego
33. Landfill gas gallery
33. Edmonton's World Class Trash Facility
31. Maryland Farms Biogas Diary Operation
30. Fitzsimmons Creek Run-of-river slide show
29. Greenest Building CIRS UBC Show
28. Waste Heat - False Creek Vancouver
27. Vancouver is Bike City
26. Clean Energy Entrepreneurs
25. Waste to Willows Biomass Project
24. Green Energy Futures Best of 2012
23. Tidal Energy 101 & The Everest of Tidal Resources
23. FORCE Tidal Energy Technologies
23. Annapolis Tidal Generating Station
Andrew Bell's Toyoto Prius PHEV
22. Université St. Anne - Green Energy campus in Nova Scotia
21. Walmart's Big Fridge 52% More Energy Efficient
20. Nova Scotia Green by 2015 COMFIT
23. Tidal Energy – Fundy Ocean Research Centre for Energy
Nova Scotia - Peggy's Cove
19. Sunny Solar Alberta - Solar West Conference
18. Home Energy Audit 101: Vampire Slayers
17. Light Up Alberta - paying more for solar
16. Pumpjack Powerplants
15. Canadian Solar Solutions
14. Electric cars: Has their day in the sun arrived?
13. SolarShare builds solar projects in Ontario
12. Heidi Eijgel one farmer's experience with wind
11. Halkirk Wind Farm Alberta
11. A Tale of Two Wind Projects in BC
11. Bear Mountain Wind Park by Don Pettit
11. Bear Mountain Wind Park
11. Quality Wind Project - Tumbler Ridge
10. Green Energy Act more than 10,000 contracts signed
14. Canadian Solar Plant, Guelph Ontario
16. Pumpjack Power Plants
9. Toronto Solar Laundromat
9. TREC Renewable Energy Cooperative - Judith Lipp & Melissa Barbosa
9. Tyler Hamilton
10. George Smitherman
10. Deb Doncaster, Community Power Fund
9. City of Toronto
9. Toronto's WindShare Urban Wind Turbine - a photo essay
7. Green Lighting Store with Don Cherwonka and Wayne Rogers
8. Bear Mountain Wind Park - Photos by Don Pettit Peace PhotoGraphics Inc.
7. Green Lighting Store with Wayne Rogers and Don Cherwonka
8. Energy Centre - Northern Lights College - Dawson Creek BC
11. Quality Wind Project in Tumbler Ridge BC
8. Dawson Creek Green Energy in Gas Country - 4 star
8. Bear Mountain Wind Park - Dawson Creek BC
8. Tour of Passivhaus-inspired super efficient home in Dawson Creek
8. Dawson Creek
6. Geothermal Energy 101 with Leigh Bond
12. Heidi Eijgel, Windy Coulee Canadian Horses ranch
1. Green Energy with Chris Turner and Calgary
4. Net-Zero - Your home a powerplant
3. Enmax - Solar, Kushneryk home
3. Enmax - Karl Kovacs A Solar Pioneer in Alberta
2. NAIT Alternative Energy Program Episode
Water Efficiency
Dr. Christine Wörlen - RE expert - speaks in Edmonton
Goose Creek Renewable Energy Inc. - Green Energy Futures
Suncor Wind Farm Under Construction south of Drumheller, Alberta
Solar PV at water plant in Morrin, Alberta
Pilot - Hat Smart Energy
Solar Powered Waves - Medicine Hat Lesisure Centre
3. Solar Enmax - Tina Regehr
Donald Cranston's EnerGuide 89 home
Solar Powered Dentist - Dr. Keith King
Solar Powered – Stu Moore Clothiers
Solar & Wind Powered Doc - Dr. Tim Clugston