Green Energy Futures:
Concentrated solar in Medicine Hat, Alberta
Green Energy Futures:
Medicine Hat Mayor Ted Clugston and solar mirrors
Green Energy Futures:
The mirrors in Medicine Hat’s concentrated solar plant are made out of lightweight metal. They focus the sunshine on a fluid that runs through the tube that runs down the middle of the unit. Photo David Dodge, Green Energy Futures
Green Energy Futures:
Medicine Hat’s $9 million dollar solar project
Green Energy Futures:
Dawn of the concentrated solar era
Green Energy Futures:
City of Medicine Hat’s 204-megawatt natural gas powerplant
Green Energy Futures:
Solar plant is kissing cousin to natural gas plant
Green Energy Futures:
Getting ready to commission concentrated solar plant in Medicine Hat
Green Energy Futures:
Solar sunrise
Green Energy Futures:
Solar sunrise in sunny Medicine Hat
Green Energy Futures:
In the solar oven
Green Energy Futures:
Best solar resource in Canada
Green Energy Futures:
Medicine Hat solar resource – better than Florida, not as good as Nevada
Green Energy Futures:
Producing electricity since 1910
Green Energy Futures:
Solar incoming
Green Energy Futures:
Supporting solar energy
Green Energy Futures:
The Matrix does solar
Green Energy Futures:
Solar, wind and energy efficiency – all in “Gas City”
Green Energy Futures:
Box Springs Wind Farm
Green Energy Futures:
Wind turbines in the City of Medicine Hat
Green Energy Futures:
Three wind turbines, very little fanfare
Green Energy Futures:
Sunny, and windy Medicine Hat