Green Energy Futures:
Energy auditor Rob Gawreletz sizes up the home
Green Energy Futures:
The energy auditor measures the exterior of the house and notes anything that will affect the energy efficiency of the home
Green Energy Futures:
Ted Wolff's home is a 55-year-old bungalo in Edmonton - the perfect candidate for a home energy audit
Green Energy Futures:
Ted Wolff, homeonwer with Godo Stoyke of CReturns non-profit energy and carbon auditors
Green Energy Futures:
The energy auditor measures the old windows to help determine a plan to save energy
Green Energy Futures:
Ted Wolff with his 250cc Vespa - a very efficient way to get around
Green Energy Futures:
Rob Gawreletz inspects the attic insulationa and seals
Green Energy Futures:
Energy auditor Rob Gawreletz checks all the lights in the home for potential energy savings
Green Energy Futures:
The energy auditor looks inside to check on the energy efficiency of the light bulbs
Green Energy Futures:
The blower test reveals how often the air exchanges in the home - this 55-year-old bungalo is getting 3.87 air exchanges per hour, a little higher than average and much higher than the preferred rate of 1 exchange per hour
Green Energy Futures:
Energy auditor Rob Gawreletz checks the home for air leaks with this blower that fits over the doorway
Green Energy Futures:
The infared camera reveals cold air leaking in around the plug-ins - solution is to seal and insulate
Green Energy Futures:
An infrared camera reveals air leakage around the windows in this older home
Green Energy Futures:
The infared camera reveals the infiltration of cold air into the home