Green Energy Futures: Peter's secret formula for net-zero homes
Green Energy Futures: Double down on the walls
Green Energy Futures: Secret insulation formula includes a pot pourri of insulation
Green Energy Futures: Insulated concert forms - one way to net-zero
Green Energy Futures: More insulation per unit area, plus air highness = super energy efficient home
Green Energy Futures: Spray in foam insulation - how to seal those tough to insulate nooks and crannies
Green Energy Futures: R40 Walls and R80 ceilings
Green Energy Futures: Continuous blanket of insulation
Green Energy Futures: No touchy!
Green Energy Futures: Secret to net-zero - A continuous blanket of insulation
Green Energy Futures: Basement walls super insulated
Green Energy Futures: Two foot insulation solution
Green Energy Futures: An infrared camera reveals air leakage around the windows
Green Energy Futures: The blower test
Green Energy Futures: Sixteen inch thick walls provide R56 insulation in the walls of Bob Heath's net-zero home in Edmonton, Alberta
Green Energy Futures: Beverly Heights near net-zero home in Edmonton
Green Energy Futures: Peter Amerongen pioneer net-zero home builder
Green Energy Futures: Bryn Davidson, designer of the Lanefab laneway Energuide 90 home in Vancouver, BC.
Green Energy Futures: Riverdale, the first net-zero home built in Edmonton
Green Energy Futures: Mike Turner built his net-zero home incorporating solar photo voltaics, passive solar design and a ton of energy efficient systems to minimize energy wastage.
Green Energy Futures: Net-zero energy homes, the future of housing
Green Energy Futures: Net-zero in cold climates
Green Energy Futures: The three secrets of Net-zero homes