Green Energy Futures:
Atlantic Avenue Art Block - LEED Silver
Green Energy Futures:
The Centre for Interactive Research on Sustainability (CIRS) at UBC - LEED
Green Energy Futures:
Shafraz Kaba Architect with Manasc Isaac at the Environment Canada Eastgate Building in Edmonton
Green Energy Futures:
152 kilowatts of solar on LEED Gold Candidate
Green Energy Futures:
LEED Transforming energy efficiency in buildings
Green Energy Futures:
Clark's 61st LEED project
Green Energy Futures:
98 % waste diversion
Green Energy Futures:
Stack it clean, make it green
Green Energy Futures:
Capping air systems and running LEED projects has become routine for Clark Construction
Green Energy Futures:
Innovative construction management and the "Green Police"
Green Energy Futures:
Green construction, more than energy efficiency and low VOC paints
Green Energy Futures:
Water systems help make buildings greener
Green Energy Futures:
Cattle gates in Edmonton?
Green Energy Futures:
The green team
Green Energy Futures:
Add a bicycle rack get LEED points?
Green Energy Futures:
Electric vehicle charging stations–when LEED leads!