Green Energy Futures: Solar PV+hot water installation Tina Regehr Medicine Hat - 10
Green Energy Futures: Solar PV+hot water installation Tina Regehr Medicine Hat - 05
Green Energy Futures: Solar PV+hot water installation Tina Regehr Medicine Hat - 11
Green Energy Futures: Solar PV+hot water installation Tina Regehr Medicine Hat - 18
Green Energy Futures: Solar PV+hot water installation Tina Regehr Medicine Hat - 03
Green Energy Futures: Solar PV+hot water installation Tina Regehr Medicine Hat - 21
Green Energy Futures: Solar PV+hot water installation Tina Regehr Medicine Hat - 28
Green Energy Futures: Tina Regehr with Hybrid Honda Civic
Green Energy Futures: Tina Regehr in hybrid Honda Civic
Green Energy Futures: Solar electric and solar hot water panels
Green Energy Futures: On demand hot water heater in Tina's home
Green Energy Futures: Hot water from solar thermal hot water system
Green Energy Futures: Furnace exchanges heat from hot water to heat the home
Green Energy Futures: Forced air and hot water are used to heat the home
Green Energy Futures: Tina's electricity meter tracks her solar electricity production and consumption.
Green Energy Futures: Tina Regehr with solar electric and solar hotwater panels