Green Energy Futures: Tom Rand is an entrepreneur and cleantech buff. He's a senior advisor with the MaRS Clean Tech Practice and a managing partner of the MaRS Cleantech Fund.
Green Energy Futures: Tom Rand at the MaRS Clean Tech District in Toronto, Ontario.
Green Energy Futures: MaRS Discovery District – Green Mantra Technologies (top centre) is just one of the start-up companies working with MaRS Cleantech.
Green Energy Futures: Murray McCaig managing partner of the MaRS Cleantech Fund with Tom Rand.
Green Energy Futures: Cam Carver, CEO of Temporal Power with a 9,000 pound steel cylinder operates as a flywheel suspended by magnets and continued in a low friction vacuum environment.
Green Energy Futures: Carmine Pizzurro with eCAMION's Community Energy Storage system that contains 1,700 lithium ion battery cells enough to power a city block of houses.
Green Energy Futures: Tom Rand of MaRS Clean Tech Fund - figuring out the secret to a clean energy future could produce the endless business opportunities.
Green Energy Futures: Pushkar Kumar, president of Green Mantra Technologies a company that recycles plastics to make waxes that are used in everyday products
Green Energy Futures: John Paul Morgan is determined to make a cheaper, more efficient solar module. The idea has already attracted 40 million in investment to Morgan Solar.
Green Energy Futures: Morgan Solar tracking units being tested at the Morgan Solar Toronto plant. They an essential component of a concentrated solar system, but they work with conventional solar PV as well.
Green Energy Futures: The books on the shelf in Tom Rand's office betray his love of green
Green Energy Futures: June Kearns, Jennifer Stoneburgh and Jon Dogterom of the MaRS Clean Tech Practice – the practice is helping about 200 cleantech start-ups at any given time.
Green Energy Futures: Wax product from plastics recycling - Green Mantra Recycling - 12
Green Energy Futures: Wax product from plastics recycling - Green Mantra Recycling - 17
Green Energy Futures: Wax product from plastics recycling - Green Mantra Recycling - 29
Green Energy Futures: The MaRS Cleantech practice in Toronto, Ontario - helps cleantech companies get up and running and break down traditional barriers in the cleantech space.
Green Energy Futures: Tom Rand of MaRS Clean Tech Fund - motivated by change that's needed, but pragmatic enough to regognize ideas that can work.
Green Energy Futures: MaRS Discovery District non-profit corporation - established to commercialize publicly funded medical research and other technologies in Toronto
Green Energy Futures: The MaRS Discover District in Toronto, Ontario is a non-profit helping support start-ups kick butt.