Green Energy Futures: Chris Midgley at the 330-kilowatt biogas cogeneration plant in the regional district of Nanaimo
Green Energy Futures: Nanaimo Energy from Waste - the cogeneration from methane
Green Energy Futures: The 330-kilowatt mini cogeneration powerplant at the Nanaimo Pollution Control Centere
Green Energy Futures: The new 1 million litre biodigester at the Nanaimo Pollution Control Centre produces methane from sewage and is used to produce electricity
Green Energy Futures: The first two biodigester tanks were installed at the Nanaimo Pollution Control Centre many years ago.
Green Energy Futures: The sewage treatment facility at the Nanaimo Pollution Control Centre. Sewage is piped into biodigesters that produce methane to be burn in a small cogeneration power plant on site.
Green Energy Futures: Electric vehicle charging station at the Nanaimo Regional Landfill
Green Energy Futures: What was waste in Nanaimo Regional District now produces valuable compost and electricity.
Green Energy Futures: Helmut Blanken at the Nanaimo 1.6 megawatt landfill gas powerplant
Green Energy Futures: Chris Midgley and Hemmut Blanken at the Nanaimo Regional Landfill
Green Energy Futures: Nanaimo Bioenergy Centre
Green Energy Futures: Nanaimo Bioenergy Centre - a 1.6 megawatt mini powerplant that runs on landfill gas
Green Energy Futures: Nanaimo Energy from Waste - 105
Green Energy Futures: Nanaimo Energy from Waste - 114
Green Energy Futures: Helmut Blanken stand by one of the wells that harvests landfill gas from the Nanaimo Regional Landfill. The gas is burned to produce electricitiy
Green Energy Futures: Nanaimo Regional Landfill biogas operation
Green Energy Futures: Nanaimo Regional District curbside compost program
Green Energy Futures: Nanaimo Regional District curbside compost program is paired with a recycling program
Green Energy Futures: Recyclables and organics are collected separately in the Nanaimo Regional District waste management system
Green Energy Futures: Recycled materials and compost are separated in the Nanaimo Regional District waste management system
Green Energy Futures: Chris Midgley manager of energy and sustainability for the Regional District of Nanaimo explains how recyclables and compost are separated and collected as valuable resources.
Green Energy Futures: Zero waste - it's a goal that Nanaimo Regional District is striving for
Green Energy Futures: The raw materials of great compost arriving at the Church Point Transfer station in the Regional District of Nanaimo
Green Energy Futures: Double trouble - two trucks drop their loads of compost trash at the Church Point Transfer station in the regional District of Nanaimo
Green Energy Futures: Yummmy - everything from bones to bones is collected to make compost in the Regional District of Nanaimo
Green Energy Futures: The compost waste from the residents of Nanaimo Regional District is "plopped" on the floor at the Church Point Waste Transfer station when it is gathered and shipped to a plant that makes high quality compost.
Green Energy Futures: Slip sliding away - the compost waste is collected and handed over to ICC Group that makes high quality compost for sale from the waste
Green Energy Futures: Squishing the slippery, slimy cost into a contiainer - ready to be turned into valuable compost materials
Green Energy Futures: Keeping it clean at the Church Point Transfer Station in the Regional DIstrict of Nanaimo
Green Energy Futures: The Church Point Transfer Station in the Regional District of Nanaimo is Leed gold - this is rainwater collection