Green Energy Futures: Open sign on Pangaea Market, a customer of Spark Your Power - green power for a specialty grocery store.
Green Energy Futures: Paul Cabaj of Spark Your Power speaking to customer Vince Halwa at Pangaea Market organic grocers in Edmonton
Green Energy Futures: Paul Cabaj of Spark Your Power speaking to customer Vince Halwa at Pangaea Market organic grocers in Edmonton
Green Energy Futures: Paul Cabaj of Spark Your Power at Pangaea Market
Green Energy Futures: Paul Cabaj of Spark Your Power at Pangaea Market
Green Energy Futures: Paul Cabaj of Spark Your Power at Pangaea Market
Green Energy Futures: Pangaea market customers of Spark Your Power in Edmonton
Green Energy Futures: A two-way meter records the energy Sarauer uses and the solar eenergy he exports
Green Energy Futures: Warren Sarauer Evergreen and Gold Renewable Energy - with air exchange system for his office
Green Energy Futures: Warren Sarauer Evergreen and Gold Renewable Energy with solar inverter at his office
Green Energy Futures: Warren Sarauer shows off his solar PV module that serves as shade for unwanted passive solar in the heat of the summer. Surplus solar electricity is exported for $0.15 per kWh, double the normal price
Green Energy Futures: Warren Sarauer of Evergreen and Gold Renewable Energy - the solar powered office is a converted old grocery store that receives $0.15 per kWh for exported electricity
Green Energy Futures: Warren Sarauer Evergreen and Gold Renewable Energy in front of his solar powered office
Green Energy Futures: Warren Sarauer's green office uses electric heat powered by solar modules on the roof
Green Energy Futures: Warren Sarauer's green office - electric heat is used along with passive solar heat as well
Green Energy Futures: Warren Sarauer's green office – LED lights mean very low electricity demand for lighting
Green Energy Futures: Warren Sarauer's green office – LED lights
Green Energy Futures: Warren Sarauer's green office - colours to indicate switch to turn off phantom loads at night in the office
Green Energy Futures: Warren Sarauer's green office - electric heater run by solar electricity.
Green Energy Futures: Warren Sarauer's green office - color-coded plugs indicate phantom power devices that are turned off when not being used.
Green Energy Futures: Warren Sarauer's green office - a small electric water heater provides solar powered hot water for the office
Green Energy Futures: Warren Sarauer's green office includes a rain barrel