Green Energy Futures:
Melissa Barbosa staffer from TREC and a SolarShare investor at work in the TREC offices in Toronto.
Green Energy Futures:
Melissa Barbosa, a SolarShare investor, on the green roof at her office.
Green Energy Futures:
Melissa Barbosa, a young SolarShare investor, on the green roof of her office in Toronto.
Green Energy Futures:
Judith Lipp, Executive Director TREC Renewable Energy Cooperative in Toronto.
Green Energy Futures:
Judith Lipp, Executive Director TREC Renewable Energy Cooperative in Toronto. - 2
Green Energy Futures:
Judith Lipp, executive director TREC Renewable Energy Cooperative in Toronto.
Green Energy Futures:
Judith Lipp, Executive Director TREC, Toronto - 27
Green Energy Futures:
Judith Lipp, Executive Director TREC Renewable Energy Cooperative in Toronto. - 4