Green Energy Futures: Energy storage will allow solar and wind producers to store energy for use when it's needed or when the price goes up.
Green Energy Futures: Hydrogenics one megawatt Proton exchange membrane (PEM) fuel cell.
Green Energy Futures: Multiple one megawatt Hydrogenics PEM electolyzer can be combined to create a large energy capacity plant.
Green Energy Futures: Hydrogenics 2 megawatt Power to Gas project in Falkenhagen, Germany.
Green Energy Futures: Hydrogenics Power to Gas solution is desiged to convert and store excess renewable energy and use it for many purposes.
Green Energy Futures: Cam Carver CEO Temporal Power shows an early prototype of his flywheel energy storage technology.
Green Energy Futures: Cam Carver, CEO of Temporal Power with the four generations of flywheel energy storage systems created by Temporal CTO Jeff Veltri. It started with the table-top version on the left and is now a 9,000 pound solid steel flywheel cap bile of storing 50 kilo
Green Energy Futures: Carmine Pizzurro with eCAMION's Community Energy Storage system that contains 1,700 lithium ion battery cells enough to power a city block of houses.
Green Energy Futures: Hydrogenics 2 megawatt power to gas project in Falkenhagen, Germany.
Green Energy Futures: Energy storage allows producers to store solar energy and sell it later when the sun is not shining.
Green Energy Futures: Matt Simard and Rae-Anne Wadey working on the Environment Canada Eastgate project for Great Canadian Solar in Edmonton, Alberta.
Green Energy Futures: Ron Harvey of Hydrogenics discussing his company's power to gas solution for energy storage.
Green Energy Futures: Ron Harvey of Hydrogenics.
Green Energy Futures: Mark Summers Senior Manager of Renewable Energy Alberta Innovates - 4
Green Energy Futures: Helmond hydrogen fueling station, a potential use of excess wind energy converted using Hydrogenics power to gas energy conversion solution.
Green Energy Futures: Xinwei Ciu of AdvEN Solutions shows carbon nanotube technology his company has created to dramatically improve battery performance.
Green Energy Futures: Weixing Chen of AdvEN Solutions shows carbon nanotube technology for batteries.
Green Energy Futures: Early versions of the AdvEN Solutions Flouride ion batteries.
Green Energy Futures: An early version of the AdvEN Solutions Flouride ion battery.
Green Energy Futures: Tianfei Wang working in the AdvEN Solutions lab at the University of Alberta.
Green Energy Futures: Xinwei Ciu showing one of the carbon nanotube components of AdvEN's new battery technology.
Green Energy Futures: Xinwei Ciu holding one of AdvEN Solutions carbon nanotube prototype batteries in his lab at the University of Alberta in Edmonton, Alberta