Green Energy Futures:
Solar hot water systems tend to make more sense in applications that have large and constant demand for hotwater, such as an airport terminal or swimming pool.
Green Energy Futures:
Alex Polkovsky of NuEnergy, Bruce Ganske of Magnum Mechanical Systems and Ryan Hammond of the Executive Flight Centre in Terminal 4 at the Edmonton International Airport.
Green Energy Futures:
Alex Polkovsky and Ryan Hammond checking out the solar thermal hot water system in Terminal 4 operated by Executive Flight Centre at the Edmonton International Airport.
Green Energy Futures:
The new: two 97-percent efficient condensing boilers (white boxes) in the mechanical room in Terminal 4 at the Edmonton International Airport.
Green Energy Futures:
Ryan Hammond shows off one of the original pieces of timber in Terminal 4, a heritage building and the original Edmonton International Airport.
Green Energy Futures:
The old: Ryan Hammond shows off an old 1960 Volcano Starfire 14.6 million BTU boiler, still being used to heat the airport hanger. The firetube steam boiler is the same technology used in steam locomotives that train engineers once shoveled coal into.
Green Energy Futures:
In Terminal 3 radiant heating system has replaced the old forced air system in the hanger.
Green Energy Futures:
Ryan Hammond of Executive Flight Developments in Terminal 3 that is now heated by a more efficient radiant heating system which replaced the hanger's old indirect fired forced air system.
Green Energy Futures:
Executive Flight Centre Devlopment is using more and more LED lights to reduce energy costs and reduce maintenance costs due to the long life of the bulbs.
Green Energy Futures:
Terminal 4, the original hanger and terminal at Edmonton International Airport.
Green Energy Futures:
Terminal 4 is undergoing renovations by Executive Flight Centre that operates a industrial charter service out of the heritage building today.
Green Energy Futures:
Terminal 4 is the original Edmonton International Airport hanger and terminal, adding solar thermal hot water is just one energy saving strategy being used in this heritage building.
Green Energy Futures:
Total installed capactiy of solar hw collectors end of 2010
Green Energy Futures:
Wide open spaces mean plenty of sunshine for a solar thermal hotwater system at Terminal 4 at the Edmonton International Airport.
Green Energy Futures:
Ryan Hammond of the Executive Flight Centre, Bruce Ganske of Magnum Mechanical Systems and Alex Polkovsky of NuEnergy with the solar thermal collectors on the roof of Terminal 4 at the Edmonton International Airport.