Green Energy Futures: Edmonton Folk Music Festival - 37th year
Green Energy Futures: Super energy efficient lighting crew
Green Energy Futures: Same, same, same
Green Energy Futures: A light switch, so luxurious!
Green Energy Futures: LEDs save 170,000 watts!
Green Energy Futures: Short term pain, long term gain
Green Energy Futures: An early banner from the Edmonton Folk Music Festival
Green Energy Futures: Edmonton Folk Music Festival
Green Energy Futures: Chris Isaac at EFMF
Green Energy Futures: Chris Issak works the crowd
Green Energy Futures: If I had a Rocket Launcher
Green Energy Futures: David Gray at EFMF
Green Energy Futures: A little star shine at the EFMF
Green Energy Futures: Loreena McKennitt EFMF 2013
Green Energy Futures: Emylou Harris at EFMF 2012
Green Energy Futures: Daniel Lanois EFMF 2014
Green Energy Futures: Arlo Gutherie & Family at EFMF 2012
Green Energy Futures: Not one of the finer moments for Ryan Adams
Green Energy Futures: Lisa Hannigan on CKUA Radio at the EFMF 2013
Green Energy Futures: Colin Hay, Man at Work at Folk Fest 2008
Green Energy Futures: Van Morrison at Edmonton Folk Festival
Green Energy Futures: David Dodge at EFMF
Green Energy Futures: Let Her Go, Passenger at EFMF